As part of its efforts to strengthen the capacity of parliaments to promote gender equality, the Inter-Parliamentary Union organized a seminar entitled The role of parliamentary committees in mainstreaming gender and promoting the status of women. This meeting, the first of what will become a regular annual event of the Organization, was open to chairpersons and members of all parliamentary bodies that deal with gender concerns.
The seminar sought to identify ways in which the functioning of parliamentary committees dealing with gender equality and the status of women can be enhanced and policy and legislative outcomes bolstered to promote gender equality. It provided a forum for chairpersons and members of these committees to share national experiences and debate issues relating to:
- The functioning of these parliamentary bodies, including their mandates, membership and working methods;
- Best practices and recommendations on how parliaments and committees can effectively address gender issues at the national level;
- Lessons learned regarding the development of policy and legislation to promote gender equality and support mainstreaming; and
- Relations between committees and other partners to enhance their work.
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