Resolution unanimously adopted by the 100th Inter-Parliamentary Conference
(Moscow, 11 September 1998)
The 100th Inter-Parliamentary Conference,
Considering that the production, trafficking, marketing
and consumption of drugs constitute a world problem which poses
a serious threat to individuals, especially youth, to peoples
and to States, and requires effective and practical concerted
action since, together with terrorism and corruption, it is a
major obstacle to the fulfilment of the aspirations of individuals
and peoples to development, peace and well-being,
Recognising that this problem cannot be resolved solely
by repressive measures, whether applied to supply or demand; on
the contrary, it calls for an overall approach designed to overcome
poverty and promote the development of peoples, while preserving
the natural and environmental resources that are seriously threatened
both by the production process and by the repressive measures
that are used or proposed,
Recalling the United Nations General Assembly Special Session
on the World Drug Problem, held in New York from 8 to 10 June
1998, which reaffirmed the need for international co-operation
and co-ordination as an effective means of combating these problems,
and aware that action to combat the demand for, production
of and illicit trafficking in drugs and associated organised crime
can succeed only if all countries and their governments co-operate
and intensify their efforts in this regard,
- Demands that States and the international community
devote greater attention to solving the world drug problem;
- Recommends that States, recognising their shared responsibility
in this matter, co-operate at the multilateral, regional and subregional
levels to achieve this goal;
- Recommends to the United Nations General Assembly and
regional, subregional and continental organisations that multilateral
procedures should be set up as soon as possible to evaluate the
progress of national strategies on the world drug problem, while
fully respecting international rules and agreements, the sovereignty
and territorial integrity of States and their cultural specificities;
- Recommends to the community of nations a comprehensive
approach to the drug problem, including effective policies to
combat the illicit use of drugs, recognising that demand and action
to combat it are a basic element of this problem;
- Recommends the development of drug control strategies
that reduce the demand for drugs through education, prevention,
treatment, public awareness and community anti-drug coalitions
and campaigns;
- Recommends that the countries which produce plant raw
materials adopt an overall approach to the elimination of the
illicit crops used for the production of drugs, within the framework
of alternative development strategies, and calls for international
co-operation to support programmes for the conversion of economies
that depend on the production of such raw materials;
- Recommends that all countries which produce chemical
precursors implement more effective control and monitoring policies
to prevent their illicit use, export and diversion for illegal
purposes, and that the countries which produce plant raw materials
improve their border control systems, in co-ordination with the
specialised services of the police and the armed forces;
- Demands that countries engage in special efforts to
combat the laundering of proceeds from illicit drug trafficking
and other related and unlawful activities, such as arms trafficking,
organised crime, terrorism and corruption, by strengthening international
co-operation in all areas at both regional and subregional levels,
and for this purpose calls on all countries to sign the
relevant international conventions and enact, within the framework
of their respective constitutions, legislation requiring the demonstration
of the lawful origin of the money in respect of single significant
financial transactions;
- Recommends that States, governments and international
organisations provide the human, technical and financial resources
that are needed to combat the supply of and demand for illicit
drugs, and offer treatment and rehabilitation to addicts in order
to facilitate their social reintegration;
- Recognises the legitimate efforts being made by transit
countries which are combating the transit of illegal drugs, and
recommends that those efforts be supported by a combination
of assistance and incentives where appropriate;
- Demands that no country serve as a safe haven for persons
accused of organised crime, money laundering, drug trafficking
or terrorism, or wanted for such crimes, and that all countries
refrain from helping such persons to evade the consequences of
their crimes, and take all necessary action to bring them to justice,
while respecting the sovereignty of States;
- Recommends that countries study the effectiveness of
current domestic laws, enforcement practices and legal penalties
in reducing domestic drug demand;
- Urges Member Parliaments of the Union to take legislative
action that contributes to the application of the above-mentioned
principles and report back on the action taken to the 101st Inter-Parliamentary
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