Resolution adopted without a vote by the 88th Inter-Parliamentary Conference
Profoundly distressed by the continuing widespread and serious violations of human rights and grave breaches of the rule of law in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Particularly shocked by the concept and practice of "ethnic cleansing" in Bosnia and Herzegovina which is aimed at the dislocation or destruction of national, ethnic, racial or religious groups, Deeply concerned that the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina and repeated violations of human rights have led to the existence of over two and a half million refugees and internally displaced persons, whose safety and humane treatment have not been ensured, Deeply disturbed by the armed attacks just perpetrated in Bosnia and Herzegovina against relief convoys and flights as well as against United Nations peace-keeping forces which are endangering the life and safety of relief workers and jeopardizing further humanitarian assistance to the population, Taking note of the statement by the President of the United Nations Security Council on 4 August 1992 concerning reports of the imprisonment and abuse of civilians in camps, prisons and detention centres within the territory of the former Yugoslavia and especially in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and recalling Security Council resolution 713 (1991) and subsequent Security Council resolutions demanding that international humanitarian organizations be granted full access to all such places, Noting also the resolution 1992/S-1/1 of 14 August 1992, adopted by the United Nations Commission on Human Rights convened in special session to study "the situation of human rights in the territory of the former Yugoslavia" and the related decision of its Subcommission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, Noting further the work of the International Conference on the former Yugoslavia, started in London on 26-27 August 1992 and presently pursued in Geneva, Commending and supporting the action of the United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in particular its humanitarian action, Welcoming the efforts by the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe to investigate reports of serious violations of fundamental human rights in the area, Further taking note with appreciation of the efforts of the international humanitarian organizations to assist victims of the conflict including refugees and displaced persons, 1. Calls on all parties concerned to cease all fighting immediately in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to recall their respective armies and armed militias; 2. Condemns in the strongest terms all violations of human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina and, particularly, the abhorrent concept and practice of "ethnic cleansing", and calls on all parties to cease these violations immediately and ensure full respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion; 3. Calls on all parties to respect international humanitarian law, to release immediately all persons arbitrarily arrested or detained and to ensure conditions for the safe return to their homes of all refugees and displaced persons; 4. Insists that appropriate international humanitarian organizations and, in particular, the International Committee of the Red Cross, be granted immediate, unimpeded and continued access to all camps, prisons and other places of detention and, more generally, that access be ensured for humanitarian assistance to all those in need; 5. Strongly condemns the escalation of violence by armed attacks against humanitarian and peace-keeping personnel, and insists that such attacks cease immediately; 6. Reiterates its full support of the resolutions adopted and action undertaken by various bodies of the United Nations and other international humanitarian organizations, with a view to ending the strife and human suffering in Bosnia and Herzegovina; 7. Supports the statement of principles, programme of work and, in particular, the statement on Bosnia and Herzegovina, adopted in London by the International Conference on the former Yugoslavia; 8. Calls on the Security Council to consider, on an urgent basis, taking further appropriate measures, as provided in Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, to put an end to the acts of aggression and violations of human rights and to restore the unity and territorial integrity of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina; 9. Urges all parliaments to encourage their respective governments to intensity diplomatic efforts at all levels to seek the best means to put an end to the tragic situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina which constitutes a grave threat to international peace and security.