Resolution adopted without a vote by the 97th Inter-Parliamentary
I. REGARDING THE SITUATION IN ALBANIA The 97th Inter-Parliamentary Conference, Considering that current political, social and economic events have given rise to a humanitarian emergency situation and revealed the weaknesses of the political and administrative structure of the Albanian State, Bearing in mind that such a large-scale humanitarian emergency can be tackled only through appropriate action on Albanian territory if security is to be re-established, Recognising that the country is in a predicament from which it will be unable to recover unless foreign aid is provided, Deeply concerned that the humanitarian situation in Albania is so grave that international aid to the country is urgently needed to overcome the present emergency; such aid, in order to be effective, should be accompanied by measures aimed at promoting reconciliation, governance, and economic and financial rehabilitation, Considering the importance of security in Albania and its bearing on the delivery of humanitarian aid, 1. Supports the efforts being made by some countries* to set up, following a request by the Albanian authorities, a multilateral protection force under the aegis of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the United Nations, which should contribute to the creation of the security conditions needed to deliver aid and carry out more general assistance activities; 2. Stresses the importance of reconstructing, on a firm basis and with the support of the international community, the administrative structure and the police force, which are essential to guaranteeing civil coexistence in a democratic system and the sound development of economic activities; 3. Underlines the primary importance of holding free and fair elections throughout the country as soon as is feasible, which will enable government to be fully representative; 4. Expresses satisfaction with the policies and work of the European Union, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Council of Europe, especially as regards the re-establishment of civil coexistence in the country; 5. Urges the Albanian authorities to work closely with international financial institutions to pursue financial reform; 6. Calls on the Albanian authorities to adopt the necessary acts and regulations to better govern the banking sector and financial corporations;
7. Encourages all Governments and IPU Member Parliaments
to continue to assist Albania by granting humanitarian, financial
and economic aid, and to provide legal and administrative expertise.
II. REGARDING THE SITUATION IN ZAIRE The 97th Inter-Parliamentary Conference, Expressing the serious concern of the representatives of the world's parliaments over the continuing conflict in Zaire and its grave consequences in terms of human suffering, including reported massacres in the areas of conflict, and threats to regional stability. Welcoming regional initiatives (such as those of Nairobi and Lomé) and the recent resumption of peace talks in South Africa, together with the efforts of the international community to resolve the conflict; 1. Appeals to the parties to adhere to and implement the United Nations five-point peace plan for Zaire, which calls for: (i) immediate cessation of hostilities; (ii) withdrawal of all external forces, including mercenaries; (iii) reaffirmation of respect for the national sovereignty and the territorial integrity of Zaire and the other States of the Great Lakes region; (iv) protection and security for all refugees and displaced persons and facilitation of access to humanitarian assistance; (v) rapid and peaceful settlement of the crisis through dialogue, the electoral process and the convening of an international conference on peace, security and development in the Great Lakes region to achieve lasting peace in the region; 2. Further appeals to the international community to promote the implementation of the said plan by: (i) lending greater and sustained support to the ongoing negotiation process begun between the warring parties and supporting the efforts of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) to bring about a peaceful resolution of the conflict in Zaire; (ii) increasing assistance to the refugee population and providing additional resources to neighbouring countries so as to enable them to cope with the massive influx of refugees arising from this conflict, with special attention to the plight of women, children and the elderly who are the most seriously affected by the conflict; (iii) ensuring total protection of the population in the areas of conflict and sending an independent international commission under UN authority to investigate reports of massacres in these areas; (iv) refraining from supplying arms to the warring parties; (v) supporting all efforts to create conditions conducive to the holding of free and fair elections with a view to establishing a legitimate democratic government in Zaire; (vi) facilitating the work of the joint UN/OAU Special Representative for the Great Lakes region; 3. Urges all countries to respect relevant international instruments prohibiting the recruitment, training, financing and deployment of mercenaries.