The first ever world conference of all Speakers of Parliament was held in 2000 in New York. The second took place five years later, again in New York. On 16 and 17 July 2009, the Speakers making up the Preparatory Committee met at the House of Parliaments in Geneva to begin preparations for the third World Conference of Speakers of Parliament.
The Preparatory Committee discussed the broad theme under which the Conference would hold its debates. Not surprisingly, the prevailing crisis was central to their preoccupations. They stated that the crisis, whatever the signs of renewed profits coming from one or two banking institutions, was an upheaval with profound implications. In a system characterized by chaotic markets, unstable food and energy prices and uncontrolled epidemics, there could be no long-term improvement in the common good without more powerful democratic accountability. That should be the primary focus of the leaders of the world's parliaments when they assembled for the third time in 2010.
The broad theme of global democratic accountability would allow the Conference to address a wide range of issues relating to peace, democracy, development and cooperation. The Fifth Meeting of Women Speakers of Parliament, held two days earlier in Vienna, had emphasized that gender equality and violence against women should also be a core part of the agenda.
Democratic accountability implies robust, transparent and effective parliaments. It also means being seen by the general public to enshrine these qualities. The Preparatory Committee also discussed the public perception of legislatures and how more could be done to ensure that they met the exacting standards set by constitutions and electorates.
At the meeting, the Preparatory Committee further agreed that the Conference would set down new recommendations relating to the relationship between parliaments, the IPU and the United Nations.
The meeting was the first of three to be held in the lead-up to the Conference. The Preparatory Committee agreed to hold its second meeting in New York on 16 and 17 November, to coincide with the annual Parliamentary Hearing at the United Nations. It decided that the Conference itself would take place at the United Nations Office in Geneva in July 2010.