Welcome to the eBulletin of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU).
This electronic newsletter provides you with latest information on the activities of the IPU, the international organization of Parliaments of sovereign States. The newsletter is published six times a year and appears in English and French. An archive of past issues is available.
Shaping gender-sensitive parliaments
What exactly is a gender-sensitive parliament? It is one that responds to the needs and interests of both men and women in its structures, operations, methods and work. It is one in which all citizens recognize themselves and find answers to their questions and aspirations. In this issue of the IPU e–Bulletin, as many as four articles are devoted to this subject, covered in extenso in the most recent IPU publication, Gender-sensitive parliaments - A global review of good practice. [ Full story ... ]
| Can parliamentarians strike a balance between work and family life? |
The standard MP's job description might appear gender-neutral, but as research suggests, this is not the case. Particular aspects of the parliamentary routine and infrastructure affect men and women members in different ways. [ Full story ... ]
Creating gender-sensitive policy frameworks for parliament |
Achieving gender equality requires political commitment, a concrete demonstration of which is policy. Policies are more than grand visions for the future; they entail an operational strategic plan and ensure that organizations translate words into action on important issues. [ Full story ... ]
Gender equality as a shared responsibility |
There has been a strategic shift in emphasis over the past decade from women's issues to gender equality issues, whereby the focus has moved from women exclusively to both men and women and mutually beneficial social and economic development. [ Full story ... ]
The Durban Conference: a new trajectory for the global climate regime |
When the Parliamentary Meeting in Durban was concluding its work in the evening of 5 December, the outcome of the UN Climate Change Conference was far from clear. The prevailing mood was that anything was possible. [ Full story ... ]
Parliamentary Forum at Fourth High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness |
At the Fourth High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan, Republic of Korea, the IPU, AWEPA and the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea jointly organized a Parliamentary Forum on 29 November 2011. [ Full story ... ]
Event of the month
Parliamentary Hearing at the UN
Accountability is the grease that lubricates the machinery of democracy at all levels - from the national to the global - and within all organized groups. That was the overarching conclusion of the 2011 Parliamentary Hearing at the United Nations, entitled Strengthening political accountability for a more peaceful and prosperous world, held on 28 and 29 November at UN Headquarters in New York.
The IPU supports the transition to a modern, democratic parliament in Egypt |
The revolution in Egypt has undoubtedly been one of the most significant political events in 2011. After the demonstrations in Tahrir Square and the removal of President Hosni Mubarak, the political landscape in Egypt has changed radically. The Egyptian people are making their way towards multiparty democracy. [ Full story ... ]
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