In the autumn of 2005, the United Nations Secretary-General launched an initiative, co-sponsored by the Prime Ministers of Spain and Turkey, for an Alliance of Civilizations (AoC). The initiative came at a time when mistrust and misperceptions threatened to weaken solidarity among States in effectively dealing with the major global issues of our time. It was based on a broad consensus across nations, cultures and religions that all societies are interdependent, bound together in their development and security, and in their environmental, economic and financial well-being.
The Alliance therefore seeks to forge collective political will and to mobilize concerted action at the institutional and civil society levels to overcome the prejudice, misperceptions and polarization that can lead to extremism and violence. This year, armed with a substantive Report and implementation plan, the Alliance of Civilizations has swiftly gained momentum and brought together a "Group of Friends" of some seventy States and international organizations, all committed to playing an active role in carrying out its key objectives and recommendations.
In a letter addressed in early September 2007 by IPU President Casini to the Prime Ministers of Spain and Turkey, as well as to the newly appointed United Nations High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations and former President of Portugal, Mr. Jorge Sampaio, the IPU expressed its wish to join forces with the Alliance.
As shown in his letter of intent, IPU President Casini stressed that "Throughout its more that one hundred years of activity, the IPU - the world organization of national parliaments - has brought together political leaders and members of parliament, seeking to overcome political, ideological and religious divides, in the common pursuit of peace, security, freedom and well-being for all. It has helped parliaments to develop as accessible, transparent and accountable institutions, representative of society in all its diversity, and well placed to play a meaningful role in the exercise of good governance and parliamentary democracy. Moreover, dialogue and cooperation among communities, cultures and civilizations, has been high on the agenda of the IPU for many years".
In a letter of response, IPU was welcomed as a member of the AoC, and invited to participate in the meeting of its Group of Friends, to be held in New York at the ministerial level on 26 September, at the high-level debate of the United Nations General Assembly. The IPU was represented at this meeting by its Secretary General, Mr. Anders Johnsson. As a first contribution to the Alliance, the IPU and its Member Parliaments will be focusing on implementation of the guidelines and recommendations included in its recent resolution (adopted in May 2007 at the 116th IPU Assembly) entitled "Ensuring respect for and peaceful co-existence between all religious communities and belief in a globalized world".
For further information about the Alliance of Civilizations, visit its website.