Parliamentary Chamber: Congress


<<< Return to the Historical Archive page of parliamentary election results for MICRONESIA (FEDERATED STATES OF) <<<


Dates of elections / renewal (from/to):

  2 March 1993

Purpose of elections:

  Elections were held for all the seats in Parliament on the normal expiry of the members’ term of office. Legislative polling was previously held in March 1991.

Background and outcome of elections:

  The Federated States of Micronesia were formerly part of the USA-administered Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Their federated status was enshrined in the Constitution promulgated in 1980. In May 1986, the United Nations Trusteeship Council endorsed the US Government’s request for the termination of the trusteeship agreement with the islands and US administration formally ended in November of that year. The UN Security Council for its part ratified the termination of the pact in December 1990. Micronesia is consequently a sovereign nation in free association with the USA (which retains authority in regard to defence); it was admitted to the United Nations in September 1991.

There are, at present, no formal parties in Micronesia, political activity tending to centre on regional (State) alignments. A leading issue in recent years has been the alleged political dominance of Chuuk State, which held nearly half of the congressional seats. The federal President is Mr. Bailey Olter, who was sworn in for a four-year term in May 1991. There is an eleven-member Cabinet.


  There are no parties in Micronesia

Distribution of seats according to sex:  
Men: 14
Women: 0

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