Parliamentary Chamber: Cámara de Senadores


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  Cámara de Senadores

Dates of elections / renewal (from/to):

  31 October 1999

Purpose of elections:

  Elections were held for all the seats in the Senate on the normal expiry of the members' term of office.

Background and outcome of elections:

  The legislative and presidential elections held on 31 October 1999 marked the end of the two-party system involving the traditional parties (Blanco and Colorado) which had governed Uruguay since 1922 (apart from the interlude of the military dictatorship from 1973 to 1985). This process began with the last elections of 1994, when the progressive Encounter-Broad Front entered the political arena as a third force. Subsequently, the October 1999 elections confirmed the spectacular rise of this centre-left coalition.

The electoral campaign was dominated by economic issues. Uruguay's economy is healthier than that of Argentina or Brazil, but the country remains highly dependent on its two big neighbours and partners within the Mercosur trading bloc. Nevertheless, Uruguay has also been hit by the recession, by unemployment (nearly 11%) and by poverty that affects 300,000 and has been accompanied by a rise in crime, particularly in the capital where 46% of the people live.

The centre-left coalition won 40 seats in the Chamber of Deputies and 12 in the Senate, thereby marking the introduction of a progressive element in the Uruguayan Parliament. Founded in 1971, this Front covers a broad political spectrum bringing together socialists, communists, leftist radicals, Christian Democrats and former members of the Tupamaros National Liberation Movement, a guerrilla movement during the 70s.

In the second round of the presidential elections, held on 28 November 1999, Mr. Jorge Batlle, candidate on a Colorado Party ticket, beat first-round winner Tabare Vasquez, the former Mayor of Montevideo and leader of the Broad Front. Mr. Batlle's party benefited from the support of its historic rival, the National (Blanco) Party, in the second round. This support came after the latter's dismal showing on 31 October 1999, when it suffered the worst defeat in its history, going from 41 seats in the outgoing Parliament to 29, in third place after the Broad Front and the Colorado Party.

Round no 1 (31 October 1999): Elections results  
Number of registered electors 2 402 014
Voters 2 204 884 (92%)
Blank or invalid ballot papers 57 735
Valid votes 2 147 149

Round no 1: Distribution of votes  
Political Group Votes %
Progressive Encounter 861 202 40.39
Colorado Party 703 915 32.78
National (Blanco) Party 478 980 22.31
Others 103 052 4.80

Round no 1: Distribution of seats  
Political Group Total
Progressive Encounter 12
Colorado Party 11
National (Blanco) Party 7
Others 1

Distribution of seats according to sex:  
Men: 28
Women: 3
Percent of women: 9.68

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