1211 GENEVA 19

Press release of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
New York/Geneva, 28 October 1999
N° 82


The United Nations General Assembly discussed yesterday Cooperation between the United Nations (UN) and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU). For the third consecutive year, the UN Secretary-General, Mr. Kofi Annan, presented a detailed report on this item. The General Assembly also had before it a draft resolution formally sponsored by 139 States.

The resolution was introduced to the General Assembly by the Permanent Representative of India who, like several subsequent speakers, paid tribute to Mrs. Najma Heptulla, the first woman President of the IPU Council in the Union's 110-year history. He stated that there was an essential similarity between the approach of the world organisation of parliaments (139 member national parliaments and 5 associated regional parliamentary assemblies) and that of the United Nations, as well as a perfect congruence of the objectives of the two Organisations. Another delegate affirmed that the IPU, as the world's oldest and largest parliamentary assembly, was an extraordinary source of democratic representation and could certainly strengthen the mechanisms for democratic control of the UN.

A total of 26 delegates from all regions of the world took part in the debate and stressed the role that the IPU plays in practising, reinforcing and encouraging parliamentary diplomacy, which has become a reality at the end of the 20th century. One delegate stated that parliamentary diplomacy was perfectly compatible with the definition of parliaments' principal functions of legislating, overseeing the Executive and animating the social process, adding that foreign policy would not be sufficiently representative of the political, economic and social realities of the State if it deprived itself of the contribution of the Nation's elected representatives. It was only for the members of parliament to demonstrate the manner in which their contribution was specific and original and how it did not replace but rather complemented and reinforced the foreign policy conducted by the government.

The delegates commended the UN Secretary-General for the detailed and exhaustive report he had presented to the Assembly on the cooperation between the UN and the IPU and expressed the hope that it would be further strengthened. They also declared their support for the Conference of Presiding Officers of National Parliaments that the IPU was organising at UN Headquarters in New York, from 30 August to 1 September 2000, on the eve of the 55th General Assembly (Millennium Assembly). Many delegates concurred with the UN Secretary-General's assessment that the Conference, which was part of IPU action to channel parliamentary support to the United Nations, could be a major milestone in efforts to enhance the people's understanding of and support to the United Nations through their elected representatives and in identifying ways of relaying UN decisions and recommendations more efficiently at the national political level for their effective follow-up. They also agreed with him that the Conference offered a welcome opportunity to explore ways to strengthen and deepen the relationship between the United Nations and the IPU.

At the opening of the debate, chaired by the Namibian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Theo-Ben Gurirab, news reached the Assembly of the armed attack that had just taken place on the parliament of Armenia during question hour. In the course of that attack, gunmen had killed the Prime Minister of that country, the Speaker and Deputy Speaker as well as several members of parliaments and other officials. Speaking on behalf of the General Assembly, its President expressed the deep condolences and sense of shock of the Assembly to the Government and people of Armenia and condemned that terrible act. The Inter-Parliamentary Union, which is also deeply attached to the integrity of the parliamentary institution and to that of its members, addressed a similar message to the Parliament, Government and people of Armenia, on behalf of the world parliamentary community. It further appealed for the re-establishment of respect for the parliamentary institution and its members.

Contact in Geneva: Mrs. Luisa Ballin, Information Officer, tel.: (41 22) 919.41.16, e-mail: lb@mail.ipu.org. The IPU has a Liaison Office with the UN in New York, tel: (001 212) 557.58.80, e-mail: ny-office@mail.ipu.org

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