WOMEN IN PARLIAMENT: THE YEAR IN PERSPECTIVE This annual brochure provides an overview and analysis of progress made and setbacks encountered by women in parliament further to elections and renewals held in 2012. Produced every year on the occasion of International Women's Day (8 March), it presents data on women in national parliaments, regional and world trends, information on women presiding officers and women candidates. It also analyses mechanisms aimed at supporting women's access to parliament. The brochure is short and easy to read, providing a snapshot on the situation of women in parliaments worldwide.
WOMEN IN PARLIAMENT: THE YEAR IN PERSPECTIVE This annual brochure provides an overview and analysis of progress made and setbacks encountered by women in parliament further to elections and renewals held in 2011. Produced every year on the occasion of International Women's Day (8 March), it presents data on women in national parliaments, regional and world trends, information on women presiding officers and women candidates. It also analyses mechanisms aimed at supporting women's access to parliament. The brochure is short and easy to read, providing a snapshot on the situation of women in parliaments worldwide.
WOMEN IN PARLIAMENT: THE YEAR IN PERSPECTIVE This annual brochure provides an overview and analysis of progress made and setbacks encountered by women in parliament further to elections and renewals held in 2010. Produced every year on the occasion of International Women's Day (8 March), it presents data on women in national parliaments, regional and world trends, information on women presiding officers and women candidates. It also analyses mechanisms aimed at supporting women's access to parliament. The brochure is short and easy to read, providing a snapshot on the situation of women in parliaments worldwide.
WOMEN IN POLITICS: 2010 (POSTER) The poster is a "snapshot" of the presence of women in the Executive and Legislative branches of Government, in January 2010. It is published by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women, on the occasion of the 54th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, which reviewed progress made in the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action. The poster provides information on the percentage of women in ministerial ranks, women in parliaments, women in the highest decision-making bodies (women Presidents of States or Governments, women Presiding Officers of parliamentary bodies), as well as information on the ministerial portfolios held by women throughout the world. Borders are depicted and used on the map in order to present data. They are not the expression of any opinion concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or concerning the delimitation of frontiers or boundaries.
REPORT OF THE THIRD REGIONAL CONFERENCE OF WOMEN PARLIAMENTARIANS OF THE GCC STATES The Third Annual Conference of Women Parliamentarians and Women in Political Decision-Making Positions of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) States took place in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, on 21 and 22 December 2009. Women members of parliament and women in politics from Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen met to discuss partnership with the media and women’s associations This publication, available only in Arabic, is the final report of the Conference. It contains the experts' contributions, results of the debates, the summary and recommendations of the Conference as well as interviews with the participants.
REPORT OF THE SECOND REGIONAL CONFERENCE OF WOMEN PARLIAMENTARIANS OF GCC STATES The Second Annual Conference of Women Parliamentarians and Women in Political Decision-Making Positions of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) States took place in Abu Dhabi on 30 and 31 October 2007. Women parliamentarians and women in politics from Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Yemen came together to discuss how to enhance women legislators’ input in parliament. Women’s political participation, the challenges facing GCC women in decision-making positions and gender mainstreaming in parliament were among the main issues raised by the Conference. This publication, available only in Arabic, is the final report of the Conference. It contains the experts' contributions, results of the debates and the summary and recommendations of the Rapporteur of the Conference.
FIRST MEETING OF PARLIAMENTARY BODIES DEALING WITH GENDER EQUALITY As part of its efforts to strengthen the capacity of parliaments to promote gender equality and respect for women’s rights, the IPU organised a first seminar of parliamentary bodies dealing with gender issues in Geneva, in December 2006. The seminar brought together members of parliament from 36 countries to discuss ways and means of enhancing the work of their committees in addressing gender issues. This publication contains the experts' contributions, extracts of the debates and the summary and recommendations of the Rapporteur of the seminar.
WOMEN IN PARLIAMENT: THE YEAR IN PERSPECTIVE This annual brochure provides an overview and analysis of progress made and setbacks encountered by women in parliament further to elections and renewals held in 2005. Produced every year on the occasion of International Women's Day (8 March), it presents data on women in national parliaments, regional and world trends, information on women presiding officers and women candidates. It also analyses mechanisms aimed at supporting women's access to parliament. The brochure is short and easy to read, providing a snapshot on the situation of women in parliaments worldwide.
WOMEN IN POLITICS: 2005 (POSTER) The poster is a "snapshot" of the presence of women in the Executive and Legislative branches of Government, in January 2005. It is published by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women, on the occasion of the 49th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, which reviewed progress made in the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action. The poster provides information on the percentage of women in ministerial ranks, women in parliaments, women in the highest decision-making bodies (women Presidents of States or Governments, women Presiding Officers of parliamentary bodies), as well as information on the ministerial portfolios held by women throughout the world. Borders are depicted and used on the map in order to present data. They are not the expression of any opinion concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or concerning the delimitation of frontiers or boundaries.
PARLIAMENT, THE BUDGET AND GENDER This handbook, jointly produced with the United Nations Development Programme, the World Bank Institute and the United Nations Fund for Women, was inspired by a series of regional and national seminars on Parliament and the Budgetary Process, Including from a Gender Perspective. Intended as a reference tool, this handbook sets out practical examples of parliament's active engagement in the budgetary process. It seeks to advance parliament's own institutional capacity to make a positive impact on the budget, and to equip parliament, its members and parliamentary staff with the necessary tools to examine the budget from a gender perspective. The Handbook will also serve as a follow-up guide for participants of past and future seminars on the role of parliaments in the budgetary process.
The event was the fourth in a series of seminars organised by the IPU. In addition to some of the more common themes discussed in previous seminars, such as the respective roles of government and parliament in the budgetary process, the meaning of a gender perspective in the budget, and how to conduct a gender impact analysis of the budget, the Colombo seminar placed particular attention on the roles played by the auditor general's office and parliamentary committees, such as public finance and audit committees, as well as on accountability and transparency in the budgetary process.
TIMOR-LESTE As part of a series of institution-building projects in Timor-Leste, the IPU and UNDP organised a national seminar on the role of parliament in the budgetary process. The seminar was held in Dili on 8 and 9 May, 2003, just before the second reading session of the Budget. Parliamentarians from all parties attended the seminar. The aim was to equip all Members of Parliament with the necessary tools to effectively scrutinise the Budget. The report of this seminar compiles all the speeches and statements made during the seminar, and its results.
PARLIAMENT AND THE BUDGETARY PROCESS, INCLUDING FROM A GENDER PERSPECTIVE Regional Seminar (Mali, November 2001) This publication reports on a seminar organised by the IPU in cooperation with UNDP, and with the support of the World Bank Institute in Bamako, from 1 to 3 November 2001, at the invitation of the Parliament of Mali. It is the second IPU regional seminar on the issue. The first seminar for English-speaking African parliaments was held in Kenya, in May 2000. The brochure contains quotes from the statements made by participants, the speeches delivered during the inaugural and closing ceremonies, the texts of the papers presented by the resource persons as well as the General Report that was approved by the participants at the end of the seminar.
PARLIAMENT AND THE BUDGETARY PROCESS, INCLUDING FROM A GENDER PERSPECTIVE Regional Seminar (Nairobi, May 2000) This publication reports on a seminar organised by the IPU in cooperation with UNDP that took place in Nairobi, from 22 to 24 May 2000, at the invitation of the Kenyan Parliament. It aimed at improving MPs' and parliamentary staffers' understanding of the three phases of the budgetary process (elaboration, reading in Parliament and oversight) and its gender implications. Representatives of 18 English-speaking African parliaments discussed the respective roles of Government and Parliament in the budget process; the need for accountability and transparency in the budget process; Parliamentary oversight of the budget: reading, analysing and questioning; gender impact analysis of the budget; mechanisms and methods for developing a gender-sensitive budget, including gender disaggregated data. The brochure contains a wealth of quotes from the statements made by participants, the speeches delivered during the inaugural and closing ceremonies, the texts of the papers presented by the resource persons as well as the Key Issues and Guidelines that were adopted by the participants at the end of the seminar.
WOMEN IN POLITICS: 1945-2000 (INFORMATION KIT) Published on the occasion of the "Beijing+5" Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly, this information kit presents five data sheets on women’s participation in politics over the past 55 years: 1. Historical table on the institutional and legal evolution of States and the presence of women in national parliaments; 2. A chronology of women Heads of State or Government; 3. An overview of women in the executive and legislative branches; 4. Progress and setbacks of women in the lower or single House of national parliaments; 5. Women in the two parliamentary regional assemblies elected by direct suffrage; 6. "A global analysis: What has worked for women in politics and what has not, 1975-1998". The latter text reproduces an analysis presented at the second CAPWIP Congress held in 1998.
WOMEN IN POLITICS - WORLD BIBLIOGRAPHY (1999) The new edition of this bilingual bibliography covers some 650 titles concerning 99 countries. For a more detailed presentation of the bibliography, visit a special page at this site. The stock having been exhausted, this publication is no longer available.
WOMEN IN POLITICS - WORLD BIBLIOGRAPHY (1998) This bilingual bibliography (English and French) has been designed as a reference tool for persons carrying out research on or wishing to know about the literature existing around the world on the theme of women in politics. It covered some 500 titles presented in four different sections - International Perspective, Regional Perspective, Country-by-Country Perspective (86 countries), and Thematic Perspective - and also contains a section on those Internet sites which present data on women in politics. The stock having been exhausted, this publication is no longer available.
MEN AND WOMEN IN POLITICS: DEMOCRACY STILL IN THE MAKING In late 1996, the IPU launched a new substantive enquiry among the 180 existing Parliaments to gather data in three key areas: women in political parties; the electoral process and the way in which women reach elective office; the political space occupied by women in national Parliaments. A comparative world study was prepared and designed to be one of the main thought-provoking inputs for the specialized Inter-Parliamentary Conference on the subject Towards partnership between men and women in politics (New Delhi, 14-18 February 1997). This comparative study is complemented by a color-coded poster containing a summary of some aspects of the study and including a new world map on Women in Parliaments as at 1 January 1997. The stock of this publication in English having been exhausted, the publication is available in French only.
WOMEN IN PARLIAMENTS: 1945-1995 At the same time, the IPU continued to gather data on women in Parliaments and in 1995 published a new study on this subject. In addition to fact-sheets on each country having a Parliament or having established one at a given time during the past 50 years, this study contains comparative tables and analyses on women's suffrage, on their access to Parliament and on women Speakers of Parliament. It includes in particular a worldwide and regional time-table showing the dates when women acquired the right to vote and stand for election, an overview at the world and regional level of their presence in Parliaments in 1995 and an analysis of the progress and set-backs they have experienced in 50 years of parliamentary history. This study was accompanied by a new version of the poster "Women in Parliaments as at 30 June 1995".
PLAN OF ACTION The data gathered during the worldwide surveys and the debates on the sharing of political responsibilities between men and women having highlighted the main points of imbalance, the IPU felt in late 1991 that the time had come to define the means required to remedy the situation. It then decided to consult all members of the Organization on the means they advocated, taking account of their own political and cultural contexts, to redress the situation and, on the basis of the response, to work out a Plan of Action to correct present imbalances in the participation of men and women in political life.
WOMEN AND POLITICAL POWER In early 1992, the IPU published the results of a substantive survey of all the world's Parliaments concerning women's participation in political life. The study contained factual data, statistics and analyses and covered women's suffrage and women's exercise of the right to vote, their political training, their situation in political parties, affirmative action measures such as quotas adopted by certain parties to facilitate women's access to elective offices, and the posts held by women in Parliaments and Governments. The stock having been exhausted, this publication is no longer available.
STUDY ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF SEATS IN NATIONAL PARLIAMENTS In 1991, the IPU launched a new series of enquiries in all Parliaments concerning women. In addition to a new version of the poster on Women in Parliaments as at 30 June 1991, it published an up-dated and considerably enriched edition of the 1985 and 1987 studies on the distribution of seats between men and women in national Parliaments. The information covered the entire period from 1945 to June 1991 and was presented both by country and in the form of tables enabling worldwide and regional comparisons to be made.
STUDY ON WOMEN IN POLITICS In 1988, the part of the 1987 survey on women's participation in political life was up-dated and widely circulated as a separate publication.
PRIORITY GIVEN TO WOMEN'S PARTICIPATION IN POLITICAL LIFE In 1986, the IPU launched a second worldwide survey on the status of women, the results of which were presented to the Inter-Parliamentary Council at its meeting in Bangkok in October 1987. The Council noted that the part of the report on women's participation in political life was particularly interesting and drew the conclusion that, as a political organization composed of men and women politicians, the IPU was particularly well placed to make - in what was still a largely unexplored field - an innovative and interesting contribution to the work carried out by many organizations to promote the status of women, notably the United Nations. It therefore decided that future surveys concerning women should focus on their participation in political life and the decision-making process and should be carried out at four-yearly intervals.
FIRST WORLDWIDE STATUS REPORT ON WOMEN IN PARLIAMENTS Ten years later, the UN Conference entrusted with studying and assessing the results of the UN Decade for Women met in Nairobi. In response to a request from the UN, a statistical survey on the distribution of seats between men and women in parliamentary assemblies was issued.
FIRST WORLDWIDE SURVEY In 1975, to mark the start of the UN-proclaimed Decade for Women and to follow up on the work of the First World Conference on Women (Mexico City, 1975) the IPU published the results of a first survey on the status of women carried out among the 74 member Parliaments of that time. |