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IPU Logo-bottomChemin du Pommier 5, C.P. 330, CH-1218 Le Grand-Saconnex/Geneva, Switzerland  

Resolution adopted by consensus by the IPU Governing Council at its 178th session
(Nairobi, 12 May 2006)

The Governing Council of the Inter-Parliamentary Union,

Referring to the case of Mr. Zorig Sanjasuuren, a member of the parliament of Mongolia who was murdered in October 1998, as outlined in the report of the Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians (CL/178/12(b)-R.1), and to the resolution adopted at its 177th session (October 2005),

Taking account of a letter from the Acting Prime Minister of Mongolia dated 16 January 2006, together with the information provided by the Deputy Speaker of the State Great Hural of Mongolia at the hearing held with the Committee during 114th IPU Assembly in Nairobi,

Recalling that it has consistently invited the Mongolian parliament to monitor the investigation into the murder of Mr. Zorig and, following a suggestion made during the Committee's on site visit (August 2001), offered the assistance of the IPU in identifying foreign criminologists able to assist the investigation; recalling further that, in his letter of 28 September 2004, the then Prime Minister stated that he had formally requested the Speaker of the State Great Hural to involve the parliament's Special Oversight Subcommittee in overseeing the investigation into Mr. Zorig's murder,

Considering that, according to the Deputy Speaker, the Special Oversight Committee suggested to set up a parliamentary working group on this case to be composed of five members of parliament belonging to different political parties; the Deputy Speaker was confident that the group would be established soon by a resolution of the Speaker of the State Great Hural,

Considering that the Deputy Speaker stressed that the group set up by the investigative authorities was working very hard, professionally and free of any outside influence; the Special Oversight Committee alone was entitled to request information from them,

Noting lastly that the majority of parliaments that were contacted with a view to provision of the necessary criminal expertise to advance the investigation have responded favourably,

  1. Thanks the Deputy Speaker and the Speaker of the State Great Hural for their cooperation;

  2. Is gratified that a special working group will be set up for the purpose of following the investigation into Mr. Zorig’s murder, and is confident that it will be afforded the requisite powers to fulfil this mandate;

  3. Thanks the parliaments that have already agreed to provide assistance for their cooperation in this matter, and requests the Committee to pursue its efforts in this respect to ensure that such assistance is provided as early as possible;

  4. Requests the Committee to continue examining this case and report to it at its next session, to be held during the 115th IPU Assembly (October 2006).
Note: you can download a complete electronic version of the brochure "Results of the 114th IPU Assembly and related meetings in PDF format (file size 503K approximately ). This version requires Adobe Acrobat Reader, which you can download free of charge.Get Acrobat Reader