Resolution adopted unanimously by the IPU Governing Council at its 185th session (Geneva, 21 October 2009)
The Governing Council of the Inter-Parliamentary Union,
Referring to the case of Mr. Zorig Sanjasuuren, a member of the State Great Hural of Mongolia who was murdered in October 1998, as outlined in the report of the Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians (CL/185/11(b)-R.1), and to the resolution adopted at its 184th session (April 2009),
Taking into account the letter from the Vice-Chairman of the State Great Hural and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Mongolian Inter-Parliamentary Group, dated 17 October 2009, and of information provided by the Japanese parliament,
Recalling that the Mongolian Government has requested technicalassistance with analysing certain evidence available in the case of Mr. Zorig’s murder and that the German authorities have provided such assistance and remain at the disposal of the Mongolian authorities for further assistance; considering that the Japanese Government has also agreed to provide technical assistance in this case to the Mongolian authorities; that, however, a diplomatic formality has still to be completed by the Mongolian authorities and that, in June 2009, the Japanese Government requested the Mongolian authorities to fulfil this formality,
Considering that, according to the letter from the Vice-Chairman of the State Great Hural, in order for the investigation to make progress, access to new high-tech technology would be needed that is not available in Mongolia and requested the IPU to call on member parliaments to give assistance in analysing evidence by “mitotyping technology” and to consider providing assistance in the training of Mongolian forensic experts in this technology and advanced methods used in conducting examination of evidence,
Recalling further that, by a resolution of the Speaker of the State Great Hural of March 2009, the parliament renewed the mandate of the working group set up by the previous legislature “to acquaint itself with the investigation into Mr. Zorig’s murder and to provide it with the necessary assistance and support” and, in early October 2009, held a meeting with the investigation working group on this case to discuss progress,
- Thanks the Vice-Chairman of the State Great Hural for his letter;
- Draws the attention of member parliaments to the request for assistance, especially as regards mitotyping technology and training of Mongolian forensic experts therein, and asks the Secretary General to take the necessary follow-up action in this respect;
- Notes with satisfaction that the Japanese investigative authorities have now also agreed to assist their Mongolian counterparts in this case, and encourages the Mongolian authorities to fulfil the required formality as early as possible to enable the necessary assistance to materialize;
- Is confident that the parliamentary working group is actively following the investigation and ensuring that any necessary support is provided; and would appreciate being kept informed of its work;
- Requests the Committee to continue examining this case and report to it at its next session, to be held on the occasion of the 122nd IPU Assembly (March-April 2010).