Resolution adopted unanimously by the IPU Governing Council at its 189th session
(Bern, 19 October 2011)
The Governing Council of the Inter-Parliamentary Union,
Referring to the case of Mr. Zorig Sanjasuuren, a member of the State Great Hural of Mongolia who was murdered in October 1998, as outlined in the report of the Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians (CL/189/11(b)-R.1), and to the resolution adopted at its 188th session (April 2011),
Taking into account the information provided by Mr. Zorig’s sister, herself a member of the Mongolian parliament, at a hearing with the Committee held during the 125th IPU Assembly (October 2011),
Recalling the following:
- Mr. Zorig Sanjasuuren, a leader of the democracy movement in Mongolia in the 1990s, was assassinated in October 1998; the investigation carried out ever since then by Police and the Central Intelligence Agency has remained unavailing so far; this failure has been attributed largely to the inexperience of police regarding the investigation of cases of contract killings such as this one, the failure to secure the crime scene and allowing 40 to 50 people to walk in and thus pollute it, together with a certain lack of political will of the authorities in place at the time;
- Technical assistance in forensic matters was provided to the investigators but, owing to the confidentiality of the investigation, no information has been made available as to whether or not the results of the testing carried out are such as to shed more light on the murder and help the investigation forward;
- The State Great Hural set up a working group on this case which first functioned from 1998 to 2000; in 2006 a new working group was established which continues to function to date and has the mandate to follow the investigation and to ensure that it receives the necessary assistance and support; however, no information has ever been provided on any results it may have achieved,
Considering that, according to Mr. Zorig’s sister, the case has been taken up by the National Security Council (comprising the President, the Prime Minister and the Speaker of the State Great Hural), which discussed it at a meeting in September 2011 that the Prosecutor General attended; that, moreover, the head of the police working group on this case reportedly still believes that the case can be resolved; noting also that the case may be transferred to a special investigation unit in the Prosecutor General’s Office, where it would receive more active attention,
Considering further that, some time ago, a member of parliament put a query to the Minister of Justice regarding this case in the hope of initiating a parliamentary debate; that, however, did not materialize since the Minister referred to the confidentiality of the investigation,
- Regrets that 13 years of uninterrupted investigation have failed to shed led on Mr. Zorig’s murder, but believes, as examples throughout the world show, that cases such as this one can be resolved even after so many years have elapsed provided the competent authorities display the necessary will and are given the necessary support;
- Is therefore gratified to note that the highest State authorities, as represented in the National Security Council, have taken up this case and considers that their determination to have this crime elucidated can be instrumental to this end; can only encourage the authorities to take any measures, such as involving the special unit in the Prosecutor General’s office in the investigation, which may lend the investigation fresh impetus;
- Believes, while acknowledging that certain investigation details must remain confidential, that a parliamentary debate on the case and its non-confidential aspects would also contribute to revitalizing this case; encourages therefore the parliament, and in particular the working group, to take such an initiative;
- Reiterates its commitment to assisting the parliament, if so requested, in any way it can with a view to lending fresh impetus to the investigation;
- Requests the Secretary to convey this resolution to the President of Mongolia, the Speaker of Parliament and the Prosecutor General;
- Requests the Committee to continue examining this case and to report to it at its next session, to be held during the 126th IPU Assembly (March/April 2012).