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Asamblea Legislativa
Parliamentary bodies dealing with gender equality :
Select Standing Committee on Women

Type of parliamentary body Specialized
Nature Permanent
Related to chambers Asamblea Legislativa
Date of creation The Committee was established by virtue of an amendment to the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly on 19 November 1999.
Last renewal date
Mandate - Study and give an opinion on bills relates to women; - Propose amendments to national laws to adapt them to international treaties; - Examine social problems related to women's quality of life and human rights and amend local laws accordingly; - Exercise oversight of the executive action on women's issues.
Membership The Committee is composed of five members, appointed by the President of the Legislative Assembly for a one-year term. Composition by sex: 0 men (0%); 5 women (100%)
Working methods Being a standing committee, its functions are set forth in the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly. When a bill is received, the President of the Legislative Assembly includes it as the final item on the agenda. The Chairperson may amend the agenda at his/her discretion. The Committee is empowered to organize consultations, hearings and convocations. The files containing information on the bills are open to the public. The Committee is currently gathering information to ascertain the present situation of Costa Rican women in order to draft legislation that meets their most urgent needs and priorities. To do so, it is holding consultations with the main institutions dedicated to the status of women. Functioning: The Legislative Assembly has its own budget and a specialized staff that provides support services to other committees. Challenges facing the Committee: To include all the issues related to women which require legislation. To incorporate amendements into the laws dealing with women. To exercise oversigiht of governmental and non-governmental action on gender equality. To work on six fundamental areas for 2007-2008: - Access to the social care infrastructure and primary education. - Access to a healthy life, including sexual and reproductive health. - Access to a violence-free life. - Access to justice - Access to political power - Access to institutions in order to close the gap between genders. To achieve the committments of Beijing+5 and Centre for Democratic Studies of Latin America (CEDAL).
Relations with other parliamentary bodies Standing Committee on Social Affairs Select Standing Committee on Electoral Affairs Select Standing Committee on Youth, Childhood and Adolescence Select Standing Committee on Tourism Political parliamentary parties
Relations with external bodies The Committee carries out consultation and coordination with other outside bodies. It works independently in the legislative branch.
Subjects dealt with - Draw up an agenda consisting of the most relevant issues that require legislation or amendments thereto; - Amend the law on domestic violence; - Produce a bill on the creation of greater employment opportunities for women heads of household.
Main address Comisión de la Mujer
Asamblea Legislativa
San José
Costa Rica
Phone +506 2243 24 26; +506 2243 24 27
Fax +506 24 32 429
Website http://www.asamblea.go.cr/Centro_de_Informacion/Consultas_SIL/Pginas/Detalle%20Organos.aspx?Codigo_Organo=208
Name Ms. Maureen Cecilia Clarke Clarke
Notes Chairperson
Address (if different from above)
E-mail maureen.clarke@asamblea.go.cr

Information on this page was last updated on 21 December 2015
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