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Vouli Ton Ellinon
Parliamentary bodies dealing with international trade :
Standing Committee on Production and Trade

Type of parliamentary body Specialized
Nature Permanent
Related to chambers Vouli Ton Ellinon
Date of creation Not available
Last renewal date
Mandate All issues of international trade fall under the purview of the Standing Committee. However, should the need arise, an ad-hoc special committee may be formed. In addition, approval of national policy guidelines may be thoroughly discussed in advance of major trade negotiation in the plenary. Hearings with negotiators and experts may take place within the work of the Standing or ad-hoc special committee on all relevant information.
Membership The Committee is composed of 50 members. Each Standing Committee is established at the beginning of each regular parliamentary session, usually at the beginning of October each year. The special ad-hoc committee may be composed of 20-35 members.
Working methods The work of the Committee or ad-hoc committee may include hearings, summoning of government officials etc. The items are selected by the Chairperson of the Committee. Parliament has direct access to any relevant source of information through the government or via its international relations.
Relations with other parliamentary bodies Members of the Sanding Committee attend the work, missions, etc. of respective friendship groups and international parliamentary delegations, etc.
Relations with external bodies The Committee has a close relationship with the respective Ministries of Agriculture, Development, Trade and Maritime Trade. It is rare for parliamentary bodies to attend major intergovernmental negotiations forums. On the international level, national representatives to the IPU may also participate in the work of international conferences and meetings on international trade.
Subjects dealt with The Committee has drafted legislation on the establishment and functioning of enterprises in the framework of sustainable development; the control of monopolies and oligopolies and the protection of free competition; and the principles and rules on the reform and development of basic sectors of commerce and marketing.
Main address Hellenic Parliament, 10021 Athens
Phone +30210 370 81 87
Fax +3210 370 72 90
Website http://www.parliament.gr
Name Mr. Georgios Salagoudis
Notes Chairperson
Address (if different from above)
E-mail salagoudis@parliament.gr , salag@otenet.gr
Name Ms. Parthena Foudoukidou
Notes Vice-Chairperson
Address (if different from above)
E-mail fudukidu@parliament.gr
Name Mr. Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos
Notes Secretary
Address (if different from above)
Phone ...
Fax ...
E-mail Info@npanagiotopoulos.gr
web site:

Information on this page was last updated on 12 October 2005
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