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Assembleia nacional
Parliamentary bodies dealing with human rights :
Committee on Human Rights and Citizens' Petitions and Suggestions

Type of parliamentary body Specialized
Nature Permanent
Related to chambers Assembleia nacional
Date of creation February 1993
Last renewal date
Mandate The Committee is competent to examine individual and collective complaints and petitions, to notify public entities, to draft legislation, to disseminate information, to ensure that applicable national and international norms are respected and to examine the human rights situation nationally and internationally.
Membership The Committee is composed of 23 members appointed by each parliamentary group in proportion to the numerical importance of each political party in Parliament.
Working methods Points for discussion are put on the agenda by the Chairperson of the Committee. The agenda is examined by the Committee and the outcome of its discussions is submitted to the superior body. The Committee may also hear government officials and other high-ranking persons and citizens. Decisions are made if a majority of members present is in favour. These decisions are made known to those concerned and to the President of the National Assembly.
Relations with other parliamentary bodies In accordance with the Standing Orders, the Committee has periodic meetings with other bodies of Parliament . At these meetings, information is exchanged and experiences are compared.
Relations with external bodies These relations are organized as follows: on the basis of an established calendar, there are meetings with various governmental bodies, national and international human rights institutions, and non-governmental organisations. In addition, there are visits to all penitentiary institutions in the country to review the situation of prisoners, and to refugee camps in which ex-fighters of UNITA and their families live.
Subjects dealt with Recent analysis of the excesses observed in penitentiary establishments, subsequently brought to the government's attention.
Main address Assembleia nacional
R.I. Congresso do MPLA
Caixa postal 1204
LUANDA (Angola)
Phone + 244 - 222 33 94 40
Fax + 244 - 222 33 11 18
E-mail 9comissão@parlamento.ebonet.net
Website http://www.parlamento.ao
Name Mr. Domingos Tunga
Notes President
Address (if different from above) R. Cmdt Kwenya
217 LUANDA (Angola)
Phone + 244 - 222 39 95 92
Fax + 244 - 222 33 11 18
E-mail dtunga@snet.co.ao
Website http://www.parlamento.ao
Name Mr. Milton M. Dias Da Silva
Notes Vice-President
Address (if different from above)
Phone + 244 222 33 45 08 / 912 502 998
Fax + 244 - 222 33 11 18 / 923 404 378
E-mail miltonmalheiro7@hotmail.com
Name Mr. Domingos Mutaleno
Notes Secrétaire, Commission des droits de l´homme, des pétitions et des suggestions des citoyens
Address (if different from above) R. 20 - Projecto Nova Vida, Casa N° 743
Phone + 244 - 923 36 73 96
Fax + 244 . 222 33 11 18
E-mail dmutaleno@snet.co.ao
web site: http://www.parlamento.ao
Name Mr. Alexandre Sebastiao André
Notes Deuxième secrétaire, Commission des droits de l´homme, des pétitions et des suggestions des citoyens
Address (if different from above) R. 20 - Projecto Nova Vida, Casa N° 743
Phone + 244 - 923 36 73 96
Fax + 244 . 222 33 11 18
E-mail dmutaleno@snet.co.ao
web site: http://www.parlamento.ao

Information on this page was last updated on 10 November 2002
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