Inter-Parliamentary Union | |||
Chemin du Pommier 5, C.P. 330, CH-1218 Le Grand-Saconnex/Geneva, Switzerland |
Approved by the IPU Governing Council at its 182nd session 1. Precise terms of reference To promote respect for international humanitarian law and refugee protection by monitoring ratification of relevant international instruments and their implementation at the national level and to raise awareness in parliament on issues requiring parliamentary action. 2. Duration of activity Indefinite 3. Size The Committee is composed of six titular members, one from each of the geopolitical groups active within the IPU, and six substitute members. 4. Status of members The members of this Committee’s status is ad personam. 5. Length of service of members Four-year term. 6. Meeting of the Committee The Committee would meet once each year on the occasion of the first annual Assembly of the IPU 7. Reporting process The Committee would present written and oral reports to the Governing Council on the substance of its work, and the written report would be laid before the Executive Committee so that the latter could monitor its work. 8. Programme and financial implications The work of the Committee, which would benefit from the substantive in-put of the ICRC, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and UNHCR, in accordance with their respective mandates, could be covered by the existing staffing arrangements at statutory Assemblies without additional expenses, on condition that the meetings would be short and held at a time when interpreters would be available.