The World e-Parliament Conference is the biennial forum of the parliamentary community on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT). It addresses, from both the policy and technical perspectives, how ICT can help improve representation, law-making and oversight, and increase parliament’s openness, accessibility, accountability and effectiveness.
The World e-Parliament Conference 2016 is co-organized by the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the Chamber of Deputies of Chile, in partnership with UNDP and the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and with support from partner organizations.
The conference shall feature the following components:
- Presentation of the World e-Parliament Report 2016 and discussion of the key findings.
- Half-day thematic blocks (broadly aligned with the main chapters of the World e-Parliament Report) to enable in-depth discussions of policy and technical issues.
- Daily “Innovation in parliaments” segments in plenary to promote the sharing of innovations.
- Two workshops on (a) how parliaments engage with citizens via social media, and (b) how parliaments with lesser resources can deploy effective and sustainable ICT solutions.
- An “Unconference” providing a space for informal small-group discussions between participants on topics of mutual interest e.g. XML document standards, parliamentarians´ use of social media, etc.
- A “Hackathon” intending to demonstrate how parliaments can effectively develop innovative ICT solutions by engaging and collaborating with civil society. The Hackathon shall deliver applications (Apps) developed over three days.
Delegations will include members of parliament, secretaries general and parliamentary ICT staff. Parliaments are encouraged to send gender-balanced delegations.
Other participants in the conference will include experts from civil society, academia, the private sector and international organizations etc.
The deadline for conference registration is Friday 27 May 2016.
Photos of the session on Flickr