The protection and promotion of human rights are among the main goals of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. Article 1 of the Organization's Statutes defines human rights as an essential factor leading to democracy and development.
Parliament is the State institution representing the people and through which it participates in the management of public affairs. It therefore bears a special responsibility in promoting and ensuring respect for human rights. The IPU helps parliaments and their members to live up to this responsibility in two ways.
First, the IPU strengthens parliaments’ action, notably through their human rights committees, in areas such as legislation, oversight and adoption of budgets for the promotion and protection of fundamental freedoms. Second, by contributing to their concrete protection and redress when they are at risk, the IPU ensures that individual members of parliament enjoy their own human rights.
A detailed presentation of the IPU's work to promote human rights worldwide is accessible through the links listed below.
 | IPU Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians. Established in 1976, the Committee has gained worldwide recognition as a unique and authoritative mechanism for protection of members of parliament against violations of their fundamental rights. [ More ... ] |
 | Taking a stance on human rights issues. Through its statutory and specialized events, the IPU channels and expresses the voice of the parliamentary community on topical human rights questions. [ More ... ] |
 | Parliamentary work on human rights. The IPU aims to assist parliaments in making human rights a reality for everyone. It also ensures that parliamentarians understand human rights and put human rights promotion and protection at the centre of their legislative and oversight work, including through parliamentary human rights committees. [ More ... ] |
 | Setting the course for reconciliation in post-conflict situations. Parliaments have an important role to play in responding to the legacy of abuse in the aftermath of conflicts and in setting the course for reconciliation initiatives. Vital as it is, parliamentary contribution often poses daunting challenges. [ More ... ] |
 | Partnerships, international human rights norms and instruments. The IPU cooperates with a range of national, regional and international partners to promote and protect the human rights standards enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international instruments. [ More ... ] |