Peace in the Middle East cannot be imposed from outside

The IPU is founded on the basic premise that conflicts must be solved through dialogue. Like anywhere else, peace in the Middle East cannot be imposed from outside. “The IPU is convinced that men and women like us can play a powerful role in achieving that peace. We have a mandate to represent people and people want peace and justice” said the IPU Vice-President.
Ms. Papademetriou outlined the visit to the region made in March by the IPU President, accompanied by the IPU Secretary General. In Gaza, they learnt of the human suffering of the Palestinian people, particularly the many thousands of innocent women and children who once again found themselves in the line of fire. They saw the destruction of what appeared to be largely civilian targets - hospitals and schools in ruins, a whole industrial area reduced to twisted metal and rubble, bombed out ministries and other institutions of governance, flattened dwellings and housing complexes.
Ms. Papademetriou added that President Gurirab would have liked to visit Israel during his mission to the region in order to gain a holistic view of the situation. This was not possible, however, since it coincided with the elections and the subsequent formation of a new government in Israel.
In his report to the 120th IPU Assembly in April, President Gurirab formulated a number of recommendations for parliamentary action. “He stressed that we should build on those things we share, the things that unite us, which is why inclusive and fully representative parliaments are so important. It is in parliament that the policies and plans for every country need to be subjected to political debate and scrutiny by the full spectrum of society and the necessary agreements forged. We should therefore do everything we can to support Palestinian efforts at reconciliation and also assist by helping the Palestinian Parliament.”
Reconciliation necessarily implies talking to all those who the Palestinian people view as their legitimate representatives and who were elected to the Palestinian Parliament. It is up to the Palestinians to reconcile their own differences, but the IPU and others can also give their backing to those efforts by maintaining a dialogue with all parties in pursuit of peace and cooperation.
The IPU will continue the important work carried out by its Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians, including its efforts to resolve the many cases of Palestinian members of parliament who have been imprisoned by the Israeli authorities.
“We should start preparing ourselves for the day when the Palestinian people go to the polls and elect a new Parliament. The IPU will accompany that process, and stands ready to provide technical expertise and observe the elections once they take place” she added.
The IPU and its Committee on Middle East Questions can do much to facilitate dialogue between Israeli and Palestinian members of parliament. There are a number of legislators in both parliaments who are committed to finding a negotiated solution to the conflict. By offering them a forum where they can meet to exchange views and learn from each other's experiences, organizations like the IPU can make a substantial contribution towards peace in the region.
There is a need for greater unity in the international community as well. It is obvious that several countries will need to be consulted, including the Islamic Republic of Iran. “Here again, we believe the IPU can help in building bridges at the parliamentary level. We have done it before and we can do it again”.
There are many in the Middle East who are tired of war and suffering. Plans such as the Arab Peace Initiative and the Middle East Roadmap endorsed by the Quartet have been on the table for some time. “What is in desperately short supply is the political will to act. That is where we, members of parliament, can help”, said the IPU Vice-President.