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Parliamentary bodies dealing with gender equality :
Committee for Equal Treatment Affairs

Type of parliamentary body Multifunctional
Nature Permanent
Related to chambers Nationalrat
Date of creation 26 February 1993
Last renewal date 17.12.2013
Mandate The Committee supervises compliance with relevant national and international standards, prepares legislative proposals, examines policies, examines individual complaints and discusses the status of women and gender equality issues at home and abroad.
Membership For the purpose of preliminary deliberation of items of business, the National Council elects committees. The National Council determines the number of members and substitute members of each committee. The members and substitute members are recruited from the parliamentary groups in proportion to their number of members. The parliamentary groups communicate to the President the names of the members and substitute members to which they are entitled, who are thereupon considered elected. The Committee has 28 members. Composition by sex: 8 men (28.6 %), 20 women (71.4 %)
Working methods The Chairperson convenes committee meetings, opening and closing them. Committees are deemed to have a quorum if more than half of their members are present. Such a quorum is only required for votes and elections. At the beginning of deliberations on an item of business the committee elects a rapporteur, on whose proposal the item of business may be discussed in its entirety or in part or during separate general and special debates. The committee Chairperson recognizes the members who have asked for the floor in the order in which they made their request. Unless expressly decided otherwise, all committee decisions are taken with a majority of the members present. The members of the federal government and the State secretaries have the right to participate in all of the proceedings of the committees. The committees may also require the presence of members of the federal government at their deliberations. Although the committee sessions of the National Council are not generally open to the public, the rules of procedure of the National Council make an exception in several special instances. For example, the public is admitted to deliberations on federal government reports being finalized by a committee, and not therefore discussed in a plenary session of the National Council, and to fundamental debates on referendum petitions at which experts and witnesses are heard.
Relations with other parliamentary bodies There is only an informal exchange of information between the members of the committees (because members of the Committee for Equal Treatment Affairs are also members of other committees).
Relations with external bodies In Austria there is a relationship with the federal Minister for Health and Women's Affairs and with the Representative for Equal Treatment. The Committee may summon experts (the Representative for Equal Treatment) to provide information orally or in writing.
Subjects dealt with Gender Pay Gap; UN Campaign HeForShe; Strategies to increase the percentage of women in traditionally "male jobs"; Convention of the Council of Europe on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence and National Action Plan on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women.
Main address Parlamentsdirektion
Dr. Karl Renner-Ring 3
A-1017 Wien
Phone +43 1 401 10-0
Website http://www.parlament.gv.at/PAKT/VHG/XXV/A-GL/A-GL_00001_00367/index.shtml#tab-Uebersicht
Name Ms. Gisela Wurm
Notes Chairperson
Address (if different from above)
E-mail gisela.wurm@parlament.gv.at
Name Ms. Aygül Berivan Aslan
Notes Vice-Chairperson
Address (if different from above)
E-mail berivan.aslan@gruene.at
Name Ms. Martina Schenk
Notes Vice-Chairperson
Address (if different from above)
E-mail martina.schenk@parlament.gv.at
Name Ms. Dorothea Schittenhelm
Notes Vice-Chairperson
Address (if different from above)
E-mail dorothea.schittenhelm@parlament.gv.at
Name Ms. Dr. Nicole Hofmann
Notes Clerck of the Committee
Address (if different from above)
Phone +43 1 40110 2694
Fax +43 1 40110 2624
E-mail nicole.hofmann@parlament.gv.at
web site:

Information on this page was last updated on 23 November 2015
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