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Parliamentary bodies dealing with international trade :
Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee

Type of parliamentary body Multifunctional
Nature Permanent
Related to chambers Sangiin
Date of creation 3 May 1947
Last renewal date
Mandate Although there is no body in the House of Councillors that is involved specifically with international trade issues, the main bodies that partially tackle these problems include the following standing committees: the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee, the Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and the Committee on the Economy and Industry. However, these committees only examine and look into matters under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and the Ministry of the Economy, Trade and Industry, respectively, so their degree of involvement in international trade issues is varied. The Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee is the standing committee in the House of Councillors with jurisdiction over matters that fall under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including matters relating to external economic relations, such as the World Trade Organization. The Committee examines matters referred to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (treaties, legislative bills, etc.) and may also investigate matters under its jurisdiction. If necessary for its examination or investigation, the Committee may request the attendance of a minister to give a reply to a question or an explanation. In addition, the Committee may request cabinet, government offices, and other officials or departments to submit a report or record. Furthermore, the Committee may request the appearance of witnesses and the attendance of voluntary witnesses and may also dispatch its members on fact-finding missions, open meetings, etc. Information relating to the examination and investigation of committees of the House of Councillors is made widely available to the public through the House of Councillors website, etc.
Membership The Committee is composed of 21 members. They are selected from political parties and groups in proportion to their number of upper house members; the chair is nominated by the president of the House of Councillors as proposed by the political parties and groups. Their term is the same as the term of office of upper house members (i.e. six years.).
Working methods The selection and placing of items on the agenda and the organization of proceedings of the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee are decided by the chair on the basis of consultations in the Committee's bureau. Committee meetings are open to the public, as is the case with other meetings. Regarding important issues of general interest and scope, the Committee may hold public hearings to hear the opinions of persons who have a special interest in the matter, experts, etc. Where necessary, the Committee may summon government officials to attend as government voluntary witnesses and ask them for explanations. Committee decisions are taken by a majority vote of the attending Committee members. Where necessary, the Committee may request minister for an explanation and request cabinet, government offices, or other officials or departments to submit a report or record. Upon completion of the examination or investigation, the Committee compiles a report and submits it to the Speaker of the House of Councillors.
Relations with other parliamentary bodies Relations with the plenary session of the House of Councillors: regarding issues on which the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee has completed its examination, the chair submits a report to the Speaker of the House of Councillors. If the issue is placed on the agenda of the plenary session, the chair explains the substance of the issue and gives an oral report of the proceedings and results of the Committee. Relations with other committees: Where necessary, the Committee may consult with other committees and research committees and hold joint meetings.
Relations with external bodies Relations with the government: Where necessary, the Committee may request the attendance of a minister to give a reply to a question or an explanation. In addition, the Committee may request cabinet, government offices, and other officials or departments to submit a report or record. Relations with civil society: Where necessary, the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee can invite interested parties, experts, etc. as voluntary witnesses and hear their opinions. Also, regarding important issues of general interest and scope, the Committee may hold public hearings and hear opinions from persons with a legitimate interest in the issue, experts, etc. It is not customary for members of the Committee to attend intergovernmental negotiating forums as part of official national delegations.
Subjects dealt with Not available
Main address 1-7-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8961
Phone +81 3 3581 3111
Fax +81 3 5512 3895
Name Mr. Yoshimasa Hayashi
Notes Chairperson, Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee
Name Mr.
Notes House of Councillors
Address (if different from above) 1-7-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8961
Phone +81 3 3581 3111
Fax +81 3 5512 3895
E-mail IntlCon@sangiin-sk.go.jp
web site: Http://www.sangiin.go.jp

Information on this page was last updated on 14 September 2005
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