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Palata Predstaviteley
Parliamentary bodies dealing with HIV/AIDS :
Standing Committee on Physical Education, Family and Youth

Type of parliamentary body Multifunctional
Nature Permanent
Related to chambers Palata Predstaviteley
Date of creation 16 November 2004
Last renewal date
Mandate Standing committees are formed to manage the law-making activities and pre-consider and prepare issues referred to the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus. Issues of public health, sanitation and epidemiology, medical provisions, medical school, medical staff training, sports and tourism, marriage, family, guardianship and trusteeship, adoption, motherhood and childhood protection, youth policy, children's and youth public organizations' activities fall within the purview of this Committee.
Membership Standing committees are formed at the first sitting of each new session by the House of Representatives. Members of Standing Committees are elected for a four-year term by the House of Representatives. At present, membership of the Standing Committee on Physical Education, Family and Youth is composed of a chairperson, three deputy chairpersons and four members.
Working methods Meetings are held as the need arises, and in any case at least twice month. Meetings are convened by the chairperson or on behalf of the chair by a deputy and also at the request of at least one-third of the full membership of the committee. As a rule, committee sessions are open. Members of the House of Representatives who are not members of the committee, representatives of the government and other officials, specialists and experts are entitled to participate in meetings, make reports, remarks and proposals. Representatives of relevant organizations and the media may also be invited. In preparing particular issues, the Committee is empowered to establish scientific advisory bodies, working groups on a voluntary basis, and to seek official, informative and other documents necessary for its activities. Decisions of the committee are taken by majority vote. The Committee may conduct parliamentary hearings. Members of the Committee may question members of the government during the sessions of the House of Representatives dedicated to members of government replying to deputies' questions (question time). Information about the committee's activities, its members and the preparation of bills under consideration may be accessed on the National Assembly's website.
Relations with other parliamentary bodies Fourteen committees are set up in the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus (Third Legislature). The procedure for preparing a bill, or considering other questions referred to a committee provides all committees with an opportunity to familiarize itself with the content. It also generates comments and proposals at the stage of preliminary consideration of a bill or in time for preparing relevant information, reports and answers.
Relations with external bodies The Committee interacts closely with the government, the Ministry of Public Health, other relevant ministries and public agencies via enlarged committee meetings, working groups, and the participation of its members at conferences, seminars and round-table meetings. Deputies take part in sessions of the Presidium of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, and in Ministry boards considering particular questions.
Subjects dealt with The Committee discusses issues on the preparation of relevant bills concerning medical provisions, transplantation of human organs and tissues, sanitation-epidemiology issues, and also issues of State regulation in the sphere of public health service, particularly providing medical assistance to patients who have diseases that constitute a public health concern, including HIV.
Name Mr. Oleg Velichko
Notes Chair of the Committee
Address (if different from above) Sovetskaya Str, 11
220010 MINSK (Belarus)
Phone ...
Fax (+375 172) 22 37 05
E-mail fam@house.gov.by
Name Ms. Marya Bobileva
Notes Secretary of the Committee
Address (if different from above) Sovetskaya Str, 11
220010 MINSK (Belarus)
Phone ...
Fax (+375 172) 22 37 05
E-mail fam@house.gov.by
web site:

Information on this page was last updated on 10 November 2008
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