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Roundtable on water
From words to actions

6-7 July 2017
IPU Headquarters, Geneva

Buoyed by the positive spirit and outcome of the first Roundtable on Water in May 2016, the IPU’s Committee on Middle East Questions is holding the second in a series of Roundtables that bring together parliamentarians from the region to find concrete ways to transform elements that have the potential to generate conflict, such as water, food and energy, into factors of cooperation and co-existence through the neutral lens of science and technology.

By focusing on the role that parliaments can play in implementing Sustainable Development Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all and technological solutions for new, renewed and re-usable water, the IPU is supporting the promotion of projects of peace in the Middle East in the region through parliamentary diplomacy.

The second Roundtable on Water in Geneva will once again represent a meeting of minds between the scientific and parliamentary communities to develop water cooperation projects. The aim is to keep alive the momentum of turning words into actions through feasible water projects in the region and by "making the water pie bigger".

The Roundtable is open to invited parliaments from the region, as well as members of the Committee on Middle East Questions.


Agenda [PDF]
Annotated programme [PDF]
Concept note [PDF]
Information note [PDF]
Working Paper I – The role of parliaments in implementation of SDG 6 on water [PDF]
Working Paper II - A Parliamentary Network on Water (PNoW) [PDF]
Working Paper III - Programme of Action [PDF]
Biographies (only in English) [PDF]
List of participants [PDF]


« Making the Water Pie Bigger » by Ms Natasha Carmi
« Science as a tool for bringing nations together » by Dr. Herwig Schopper (SESAME)
“The role of parliaments and parliamentarians in the implementation of SDG 6” by Ms. Amanda Loeffen, Director General at WaterLex
“PNoW (Parliamentary Network on Water): Objectives, Working modalities and next steps” by Ms. Amanda Loeffen, Director General at WaterLex
“The Country Mapping Approach: Case Studies and Pilot Countries” by Ms. Rose Osinde Alabaster, Programme Director, Africa Region, WaterLex
“Water technologies” by Dr. Florian Thevenon, Senior Scientific Officer at WaterLex
“Enabling Environment for Knowledge Sharing and Technology Transfer” by Ms. Rose Osinde Alabaster, Programme Director, Africa Region, WaterLex
« The Country Mapping Approach: Case Studies and Pilot Countries – Day 2” by Ms. Rose Osinde Alabaster, Programme Director, Africa Region, WaterLex.
« Science models to promote the dialogue and Science for Peace School” by Dr. Maurizio Bona, Senior Advisor in charge of Relations with Parliaments and Science for Policy at CERN ;
« Israel – Parliamentary Cooperation on Water” by Dr. Nachman Shai, Member of Knesset
Case study: Morocco New!
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