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Radhsphea Ney Preah Recheanachakr Kampuchea (National Assembly)

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Parliament name Parliament
Structure of parliament Bicameral
Chamber name (generic / translated) Radhsphea Ney Preah Recheanachakr Kampuchea / National Assembly
Related chamber (for bicameral parliaments) Senate
Title President of the National Assembly
Term - duration: 5 years (term of House); elected on 25 November 1998
- reasons for interruption of the term: resignation, death, dissolution of the Assembly, illness
Appointment - elected by all Members of the National Assembly
- election is held at the beginning of the first session following the general election
- after Members' mandates are validated and before Members are sworn in
Eligibility - any Member of the Assembly can be candidate
Voting system - formal vote by secret ballot
- a 2/3 majority of the total Members of the Assembly is required
Procedures / results - the oldest Member of the House presides over the Assembly during the voting
Status - represents the Assembly with the public authorities
- is Member of the Royal Council of the Throne which convenes upon the death of the King to select a new King
- represents the Assembly in international bodies
- in the absence of the President, the first Vice-President or the second Vice-President can assume his/her role and functions
Board - the Permanent Committee of the National Assembly consists of 12 Members: the President of the National Assembly who is also the President of the Permanent Committee, the two Vice-Presidents of the National Assembly and the Presidents of the nine commissions of the National Assembly
- meets each week and also on the initiative of the President
- 5 years mandate
- is a collegiate body
Material facilities - same salary as other Members of the National Assembly
- official residence
- official car
- secretariat, additional advisers and assistants from the private sector
- body guards and military escort
- domestic staff
Organization of parliamentary business - organizes the debates and sets speaking time
Chairing of public sittings - can open, adjourn and close sittings
- ensures respect for provisions of the Constitution and Standing Orders
- makes announcements concerning the Assembly
- takes disciplinary measures in the event of disturbance, and lifts such measures
- establishes the list of speakers, gives and withdraws permission to speak
- establishes the order in which amendments are taken up and selects which amendments are to be debated
Special powers - recruits, assigns and promotes staff on the proposal of the Secretary General
- proposes the appointment of the Secretary General
- is responsible for relations with foreign Parliaments
- is responsible for security, and in this capacity, can call the police in the event of disturbance in the Chamber
Speaking and voting rights, other functions - takes the floor in legislative debates
- takes part in voting
- proposes bills or amendments
- ensures the constitutionality of the National Assembly acts

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