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Seanad Éireann - Senate (Senate)

Compare data for parliamentary chambers in the Presidency module

Parliament name (generic / translated) Oireachtas / Parliament
Structure of parliament Bicameral
Chamber name (generic / translated) Seanad Éireann - Senate / Senate
Related chamber (for bicameral parliaments) Dáil Éireann / House of Representatives
Title Chairman of the Senate (An Cathaoirleach)
Term - duration: 5 years (term of House)
- reasons for interruption of the term: resignation, death, removal by resolution of the Senate, dissolution of the Senate
Appointment - elected by all the Members of the Senate
- election is held either the first day of the first meeting after general elections, after the validation of mandates and after Members are sworn in, or when a vacancy has occurred
Eligibility - any Senator except if member of the Government or Minister of State may be a candidate. Members' candidature is publicly proposed to the Clerk at the first meeting of the Senate by way of oral motion
Voting system - formal vote by public ballot (Members go through division lobbies in the Chamber), if there is more than one candidate or if the nomination motion is formally opposed
- simple majority of the votes is required
- additional candidates can be proposed at any stage if several rounds are held
Procedures / results - the Clerk presides over the Senate during the voting
- the Clerk and the Assistant-Clerk supervise the voting
- the Clerk announces the results without any delay/ immediately after the division paper for that vote has been signed by the tellers and handed to him/her
- the results cannot be challenged
Status - ranks fourth after the Head of State, the Chief Justice and the President of Dail Eireann (in the absence or temporary/permanent incapacity of the Head of State, a Commission composed of the Chief Justice, the President of Dail Eireann and the President of Seanad Eireann shall perform his/her duties).
- there is no formal order of precedence between Presidents of both Houses
- the President of Dail Eireann usually presides over joint sittings of both Chambers but this is a matter for co-decision by both Chambers
- represents the Senate with the public authorities
- is ex officio member of various bodies such as the Presidential Commission and the Council of State (according to the Constitution)
- is ex officio President of the Senate Committee on Procedure and Privileges
- in the absence of the President, the Deputy Chairman (Leas-Chathaoirleach) can assume his/her role and functions
Material facilities - salary of £ 21,124 as a Senator and an office holder salary of £ 13,497
- official car with two drivers member of the State police force as well as a mileage allowance for mileage incurred on his/her private car on Cathaoirleach duties
- secretariat
Organization of parliamentary business - may convene sessions at the request of the Prime Minister
- examines the admissibility of bills and amendments
The Leader of the House who acts as the Government representative decides the programme and time-table of work.
The House organizes the debates and sets speaking time and proposes or decides on the setting up of committees and/or committees of enquiry
Chairing of public sittings - opens sittings and, in case of gross disorder, can suspend or adjourn sittings
- ensures respect for provisions of the Standing Orders
- makes announcements concerning the Senate
- takes disciplinary measures (e.g. withdrawal of a Member for the rest of a day, asking the Senate to suspend a Member, suspension or adjournment of sittings) in the event of disturbance, and lifts such measures
- gives and withdraws permission to speak to ensure a balance debate is achieved
- establishes the order in which amendments are taken up, in accordance with the Standing Orders
- decides how a vote is to be carried out, verifies the voting procedure and cancels a vote in the event of irregularities
- checks the quorum upon request from a Senator
- interprets the rules or other regulations governing the life of the Senate
Special powers - the Clerk and the Assistant Clerk have power to recruit, assign and promote staff, in agreement with the President of the Senate
- the Prime Minister appoints the Clerk, on the recommendation of the President of the Senate and the Minister of Finance
- is consulted in the organization of the services of the Senate
- is responsible for relations with foreign Parliaments
- is responsible for safety, and in this capacity, can call the police in the event of disturbance in the Chamber
Speaking and voting rights, other functions - takes part in voting only in the event of equality of votes (casting vote)
- ensures the constitutionality of laws through his/her participation in the Council of State which is to be consulted by the Head of State before referring any bill to the Supreme Court
- can appoint members of extra-parliamentary bodies as a Member of the Local Appointments Commission

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