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Landtag (Diet)

Compare data for parliamentary chambers in the Electoral system module

Parliament name (generic / translated) Landtag / Diet
Structure of parliament Unicameral
Electoral Law 17 July 1973
Last amendment: 24/06/1987
Mode of designation directly elected 25
Constituencies 2 multi-member (15 seats for Oberland and 10 seats for Unterland) constituencies.
Voting system Proportional: Proportional representation, using the simple electoral quotient with remaining seats distributed on the basis of greatest remainders.
In order to qualify for representation in the Landtag, a party must obtain 8% of the votes cast in the whole country. When division by the relevant quotient does not result in as many elected Deputies as there are seats to be filled in the constituency concerned, there takes place a second-stage division of "supplementary votes" among those parties which have met the 8% requirement. Each list contains, as far as possible, as many candidates as there are seats to be filled. A vote cast for a candidate is also counted as a vote cast for his party. The seats won by each list are allotted to those of its members who have received the most votes.
Vacancies between general elections are filled by the "next-in-line" candidate of the party list concerned. A by-election is held in the event that this rule cannot be applied.
Voting is compulsory.
Voter requirements - age: 18 years
- Liechtenstein citizenship
- residence in the country for a minimum of one month prior to the elections
- disqualifications: deprivation of voting right by virtue of law or pursuant to a final court decision, guardianship or trusteeship, imprisonment, commitment by a public authority to a closed institution
Eligibility - Qualified electors
- 18 years
- Liechtenstein citizenship
Incompatibilities Incompatibilities related to occupations
- Ministers of State
- Holders of judicial offices (judges)
- Clergymen
The incompatibilities above are valid during the term of office
Other incompatibilities
- Insanity/mental illness
- Guardianship/ward
- Holders of temporary entry permits
- undocumented immigrants
Candidacy requirements - nomination by 30 electors from the same constituency required

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