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Assemblée Nationale (National Assembly)

Compare data for parliamentary chambers in the Electoral system module

Parliament name (generic / translated) Assemblée Nationale / National Assembly
Structure of parliament Unicameral
Electoral Law 9 January 1997
Mode of designation directly elected 147
Constituencies 125 constituencies (1 member for every 60,000 inhabitants and an additional 1 for each fraction of this total over 40,000). Constituencies with less than 60,000 inhabitants are nevertheless each entitled to 1 seat.
Voting system Majority: Majority party-list system in two rounds of voting (absolute majority in first round, simple in second) in single or multi-member constituencies. Only the two best-placed candidates or lists can participate in the latter round.
Vacancies arising between general elections are filled through by-elections.
Voting is not compulsory.
Voter requirements - Age: 18 years
- Malian citizenship also citizens of other African countries who have their residence in Mali and are registered as electors, if they satisfy general requirements pertaining to the electorate
- Full possession of civil and political rights
- Disqualifications: conviction of certain crimes, imprisonment for at least 3 months for other offences, undischarged bankrupts, guardianship
Eligibility Qualified electors
- Domicile in Mali for at least one year
- Age: 21 years
- Malian citizenship
- Ineligibility: persons who have been naturalised within the preceding 10 years
Incompatibilities - Certain public offices
- Membership of the armed or police forces
Candidacy requirements - Candidature can be submitted by individuals, political parties or coalition of political parties
- Deposit of 50 000 F CFA (Communaute Financiere Africaine franc) per candidate.

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