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Congresin'ny Tetezamita - Congrès de la Transition (Transitional Congress)

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Parliament name (generic / translated) Parlement du Transition / Transitional Parliament
Structure of parliament Bicameral
Chamber name (generic / translated) Congresin'ny Tetezamita - Congrès de la Transition / Transitional Congress
Related chamber (for bicameral parliaments) Antenimieran-ny Mpanolo-tsaina Avon'ny Tetezamita - Conseil Supérieur de la Transition / Higher Transitional Council
Dates of election / renewal (from/to) 11 October 2010
Purpose of elections (Not applicable - Members are appointed by the Transitional President on proposition of the political parties and associations)
(Not applicable - appointed chamber)
Distribution of seats
Round no 1
Political Group Total December 2011
Space for Concerted Political Action (Escopol) 62 62
Determined Malagasy Youth (TGV) 52 52
Tiako I Madagasikara (TIM) 52 57
Union of Democrats and Republicans for Change (UDR-Fanovana) 29 52
Dignitaries 22 22
The discretionary power of the President of the High Transitional Authority 11 0
President of the High Transitional Authority (PHAT) 7 20
United Political Forces (HPM) 7 20
Vanguard of the Malagasy Rebirth (Arema) 7 20
Other political persuasions (AS) 7 20
Movement for Democracy (MDM) 0 20
Madagasikara Otronin'ny Malagasy-Union for the Future of Madagascar (MONIMA-UAMAD) 0 20
Distribution of seats according to sex
Percent of women
Distribution of seats according to age
Distribution of seats according to profession
Transitional Congress (07.02.2012, 10.12.2012)

Note on the Distribution of seats:
- Following the signing of the Roadmap on 17 September 2011, the statutory number of members of the Transitional Congress, established in October 2010, has increased from 256 to 417. Members of the enlarged Congress were appointed by a decree of 1 December. The column "December 2011" refers to the composition of the enlarged Congress.
- The discretionary power of the President of the High Transitional Authority ceased to exist and was replaced by the President of the High Transitional Authority (PHAT).
- The enlarged Congress was to comprise three new groups: the Movement for Democracy (MDM), Madagasikara Otronin'ny Malagasy-the Union for the Future of Madagascar (Monima-Uamad) and the Zafy Albert Movement.
- As at 13 February 2012, the Zafy Albert Movement had not nominated its representatives, leaving 52 seats in the Congress vacant. There were 64 women out of a total of 365 members.

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