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Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat
Parliamentary bodies dealing with gender equality :
Committee VIII (Religious Affairs, Social Affairs, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection)

Type of parliamentary body Multifunctional
Nature Permanent
Related to chambers Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat
Date of creation Committee VIII was established on 19 October 2009
Last renewal date N/A
Membership The Committee members are nominated and assigned by respective factions (groups of political parties) in the House of Representatives in an exact composition of membership from each political party. Committee VIII is led by a Chairperson and four Vice Chairpersons and is divided into four Working Groups namely Working Group on Religious Affairs; Working Group on Social Affairs; Working Group on the Women Empowerment; and Working Group on the Children Protection. The membership of the Committee VIII is evaluated annually every August. In August, the membership of Committee can be renewed or retained, based on a joint decision of the Leadership of the House of Representatives and the Faction Leaders. When the decision is taken that is necessary to renew the membership, the parties select their nominees and present them to the Committee. Composition by sex: 34 men (73.9%); 12 women (26.1%)
Working methods
Relations with other parliamentary bodies
Relations with external bodies
Subjects dealt with Committee VIII deals with issues related to religion affairs, social affairs and women's empowerment and children protection. On the matter of gender, Committee VIII deals with issues related to the trafficking of women and children, Indonesian migrant workers, HIV/AIDS, women in politics, regional autonomy, the empowerment of women, and protection of children. Committee VIII is preparing Draft Bill on Gender Equity to be discussed in 2014.
Main address Gedung Nusantara II Lantai 2
Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat,
Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subroto No. 6
Senayan, Jakarta 10270
Phone +62 21 57 15 344
Fax +62 21 57 15 512
E-mail set_komisi8@dpr.go.id
Website http://www.dpr.go.id/akd/index/id/Daftar-Anggota-Komisi-VIII
Name Mr. Saleh Partaonan Daulay
Notes Chairperson
Name Mr. Abdul Malik Haramain
Notes Vice-Chairperson
Name Mr. H. Deding Ishak
Notes Vice-Chairperson
Name Ms. Ledia Hanifa Amaliah
Notes Vice-Chairperson
Name Mr. H. Sodik Mudjahid
Notes Vice-Chairperson
Name Mr. Yanto Supriyanto
Notes Head of Section, Secretariat, Committee VIII

Information on this page was last updated on 18 March 2016
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