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Hrvatski Sabor
Parliamentary bodies dealing with international trade :
Committee on the Economy, Development and Reconstruction

Type of parliamentary body Multifunctional
Nature Permanent
Related to chambers Hrvatski Sabor
Date of creation 1990
Last renewal date
Mandate The Committee formulates policy and monitors implementation thereof. In procedures to enact legislation and other regulations it enjoys the rights and duties of a competent working body in matters pertaining to: the concept and strategy of the economic development of the Republic of Croatia; the basis of the economic system and the securing of conditions for the operation of markets and the protection of market competition; goods stockpiles, current economic trends, and the economic development of all regions of the Republic of Croatia, particularly those lagging behind in economic development; the co-ordination and improvement of economic life, reconstruction and development in regions in which wartime operations were conducted or upon which wartime destruction and devastation had a direct impact; the reconstruction of commercial facilities destroyed in the war; the electricity network and supply, ship-building and other industrial branches; economic restructuring and transformation of ownership, economic factors, development of free enterprise and investments of particular importance to the Republic of Croatia; the securing of conditions for investments by foreign partners and economic relations abroad; individual economic matters and other issues of economic policy, reconstruction and development; opinions about multilateral, regional and bilateral trade agreements.
Membership The Committee is composed of 13 members, included a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson. The Committee has a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson and 11 members from among the ranks of parliamentary deputies, while an additional six members may be appointed to the Committee: one each from among higher-level trade union representatives, the employers' association and the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, and three representatives of scientific and professional institutions. Parliament elects and dismisses chairpersons, vice-chairpersons and members of working bodies from among the ranks of parliamentary deputies, unless specified otherwise by the Standing Orders. The election, appointment and dismissal of the chairpersons, vice-chairpersons and members of the parliamentary working bodies are based on the proposal of the Elections, Appointments and Administration Committee or at the proposal of not less than 15 deputies. As a rule, the composition of the Committee corresponds to the party composition of Parliament. The term of office of the chairpersons, vice-chairpersons and members of the Committee commences from the date of their election until the date of cessation or suspension due to imprisonment exceeding six months of their term of office, or until the date of expiry of their term of office for which they are elected.
Working methods Items selected and placed on the agenda of the Committee must fall within its competence. Committee sessions are public and representatives of the Government and other institutions are invited. The Committee is empowered to organize public hearings. The Committee's reports are public (issued in a parliamentary bulletin and are placed on the Internet).
Relations with other parliamentary bodies The Committee cooperates with other parliamentary working bodies on issues of common interests/competencies. They may hold joint sessions and submit joint reports thereupon to Parliament. Each parliamentary committee receives all the reports from every parliamentary committee in Parliament. The Committee is the competent body for dealing with the issues, set forth in the Standing Orders. The Committee can discuss other issues as an interested body.
Relations with external bodies The Government suggests approximatively 90 per cent of the legislative proposals. The sessions of the working body are attended by government officials (ministers, state secretaries or deputy ministers). The Committee can submit amendments to the Government's proposals. The representative of the Government can accept them during the Committee sessions or can submit them to government sessions. The working body can suggest that Parliament press the Government to enact certain laws. The Committee deals with petitions brought by civil society.
Subjects dealt with Issues discussed recently on the Committee meetings include customs-free zones; public acquisition; territories under special state mandate; privatization of Croatian Telecom; promoting investments; and power supply laws.
Main address Croatian Parliament, Trg Sv Marka 6-7, 1000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone +3851 4569 515
Fax +3851 4553 453
Name Mr. Dragutin Pukles
Notes Chairman, Committee on the Economy, Development and Reconstruction
Address (if different from above) Croatian Parliament, Trg Sv Marka 6-7, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone +3851 4569 615
Fax +3851 4553 453
E-mail ogospod@sabor.hr
Website http://www.sabor.hr
Name Mr. Kresimir Ivkovic
Notes Secretary, Committee on the Economy, Development and Reconstruction
Address (if different from above) Croatian Parliament, Trg Sv Marka 6-7, 1000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone +3851 4569 515
Fax +3851 4553 453
E-mail ogospod@sabor.hr
web site: http://www.sabor.hr
Name Mr. Orijana Petrin
Notes Advisor to the Committee on the Economy, Development and Reconstruction
Address (if different from above) Croatian Parliament, Trg Sv Marka 6-7, 1000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone +3851 6303 484
Fax +3851 4553 453
E-mail ogospod@sabor.hr
web site: http://www.sabor.hr

Information on this page was last updated on 31 August 2005
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