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Assemblée nationale
Parliamentary bodies dealing with HIV/AIDS :
Committee on health, population, social affairs and national solidarity

Type of parliamentary body Multifunctional
Nature Permanent
Related to chambers Assemblée nationale
Date of creation 1978 (Act No. 78-21 of 28 April 1978 on the Standing Orders of the National Assembly)
Last renewal date
Mandate The Committee's spheres of competence: public health, primary health care, hospital infrastructure and equipment, health, pharmacies, medical and paramedical training, women, children, social work, national solidarity, population policy.
Membership The Committee is made up of 30 members. They are appointed by the National Assembly based on the numerical representation of the parliamentary groups that nominate them. Account is also taken of proposals made by independent MPs.
Working methods The Committee examines bills placed on the agenda of the National Assembly by the Conference of Presidents. It can also conduct hearings and field trips. The Committee's decisions are taken by majority vote. The government participates in the Committee's work, which is conducted in camera. The Committee's documents are circulated only to members of the National Assembly and members of government.
Relations with other parliamentary bodies Committees may set up joint committees to study questions that are of common interest to them. Any committee that is seized with the substance of a case can seek the opinion of another committee via letter sent to the chairperson of the relevant committee
Relations with external bodies The Committee is in permanent contact with the minitries that share the same responsibilities.
Subjects dealt with Controlling the spread of AIDS and means of assisting infected persons.
Name Ms. Marie Joséphine Diallo
Notes Secretary General of the National Assembly
Address (if different from above)
Phone +221 823 34 72
Fax +221 823 94 02
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Information on this page was last updated on 2 December 2010
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