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Chambre des Représentants
Parliamentary bodies dealing with international trade :
Special Committee on Globalization

Type of parliamentary body Multifunctional
Nature Other
Related to chambers Chambre des Représentants
Date of creation 13 March 2003
Last renewal date
Mandate Pursuant to recommendations by a parliamentary working group on globalization, issued on 28 February 2003 (Doc. CH. 50-2330/003) and approved by a motion of the Chamber on 13 March 2003 (Doc. CH. 50-2330/004), and in accordance with section 6 of chapter XII of the governmental declaration of 14 July 2003 ("An Equitable World"), envisaging the creation of a parliamentary committee to deal with all aspects of globalization, a Special Committee on Globalization was set up to strengthen parliamentary oversight of international institutions. International trade in general, and WTO in particular, constitute only one of the matters addressed by the activities of the Special Committee on Globalization. The Special Committee on Globalization works closely with its Senate counterpart.
Membership The Committee is composed of 10 titular members and 10 alternates selected on the basis of proportional representation for the various political groups. Political groups not represented in the Committee delegate one member each, without voting rights.
Working methods Items for consideration are proposed by the Committee's officers at three annual meetings. They are then submitted to the Committee for approval. The Committee has the authority to hold hearings of experts or representatives of the academic world as well as government representatives (and in particular those responsible for WTO). These meetings are open to the public. Information on international trade is obtained from government representatives or experts in this field. Upon completion of its deliberations, the Committee issues a public parliamentary report containing a summary of the hearings held, the testimony provided by experts or government representatives, questions posed by Committee members and civil society representatives, and responses from experts or government representatives. The Committee also conducts fact-finding visits abroad and soon plans to visit WTO headquarters in Geneva.
Relations with other parliamentary bodies Upon completion of its work, the Committee adopts draft resolutions, which are submitted to the plenary for approval. Depending on the agenda item, the Committee can meet with one or more of the Chamber's other standing committees.
Relations with external bodies The Committee meets in public session and works closely with civil society. Non-governmental organization (NGO) representatives are invited to participate in Committee meetings and authorized to participate in debates with experts or representatives of the academic world called on to testify. Committee members accompany the official Belgian delegation to the WTO Ministerial Conferences.
Subjects dealt with Subjects dealt with by the Committee include WTO institutional matters, agricultural issues in the context of WTO negotiations, issues in connection with the General Agreement on Trade in Services, tax haven issues, the Tobin tax, universal access to water and the Millennium Development Goals.
Main address Service des Relations publiques et internationales, Chambre des représentants, 1008 Bruxelles
Phone +322 549 80 78
Fax +322 549 83 02
Name Mr. Dirk Van der Maelen
Notes Chairperson, Special Committee on Globalization
Address (if different from above) Chambre des représentants, Maison des Parlementaires - Bureau 2235, 1008 Bruxelles
Phone +325 441 02 03
Fax +325 441 70 12
E-mail dirk.vandermaelen@lachambre.be
Name Mr. Roel Deseyn
Notes Vice Chairperson, Special Committee on "Globalization"
Address (if different from above) Bellegemesestraat 107, 8510 Bellegem
Phone +325 620 33 60
Fax +325 620 33 80
E-mail roel.deseyn@lachambre.be
Name Mr. Hugo D Hollander
Notes Secretary, Special Committee on Globalization, Senior Counselor
Address (if different from above) Service des Relations publiques et internationales, Chambre des représentants, 1008 Bruxelles
Phone +322 549 80 78
Fax +322 549 83 02
web site:
Name Mr. Daniel Lucion
Notes Secretary, Special Committee on Globalization, Senior Counselor
Address (if different from above) Service des Relations publiques et internationales, Chambre des représentants, 1008 Bruxelles
Phone +322 549 80 60
Fax +322 549 83 02
web site:

Information on this page was last updated on 1 September 2005
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