National Assembly of Gabon
National Assembly
of Gabon
Regional seminar for French-speaking African parliaments
Libreville, Gabon, 13 - 15 June 2013

Organized by the Parliament of Gabon and the Inter-Parliamentary Union

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The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the Parliament of Gabon are organizing a Regional Seminar for French-speaking African Parliaments on Gender-sensitive Parliaments. The Seminar will take place in Libreville from 13 to 15 June 2013 as part of activities to follow-up the publication in 2011 of an IPU report entitled Gender-sensitive Parliaments – a Global Review of Good Practice and the Plan of Action for Gender-sensitive Parliaments, adopted by the 127th IPU Assembly.

The Seminar will provide a forum for parliamentarians from the region to exchange their views and experiences on how parliaments respond to the expectations and interests of men and women members in their structures, mechanisms and proceedings and generally in the way they function.



Practical and substantive documents related to the event are available only in French,
which is the only working language for this particular event.

Final report [PDF]
Invitation [PDF]
Agenda [PDF]
Address by Mr. Nzouba-Ndama (Opening Session) [PDF]
Address by IPU Representative (Opening Session) [PDF]
Definitions (Introduction Session) [PDF]
Presentation on gender-sensitive parliaments (Introduction Session) [PDF]
Status of women's participation in parliaments (Session 1) [PDF]
Women's participation - Luxembourg (Session 1) [PDF]
Women's participation - Burkina Faso (Session 1) [PDF]
Women's participation - Senegal (Session 1) [PDF]
Positions held by women in parliaments - Introduction (Session 2) [PDF]
Positions held by women in parliaments - Burundi (Session 2) [PDF]
Positions held by women in parliaments - Gabon (Session 2) [PDF]
Gender-sensitive culture and facilities - Introduction (Session) [PDF]
Gender-sensitive culture and facilities - Belgium (Session 3) [PDF]
Gender-sensitive culture and facilities - Rwanda (Session 3) [PDF]
Gender-sensitive culture and facilities - Côte d'Ivoire (Session 3) [PDF]
Mainstreaming gender equality in parliament's work - Introduction (Session 4) [PDF]
Mainstreaming gender equality in parliament's work - Planification (Session 4) [PDF]
Bodies and alliances to promote equality - Introduction (Session 5) [PDF]
The role of parliamentary committees in promoting equality (Session 5) [PDF]
Self-assessment – IPU methodology (Session 6) [PDF]
Self-assessment - Rwanda (Session 6) [PDF]
Address by IPU Representative (Closing session) [PDF]
Address by Mr. Nzouba-Ndama (Closing session) [PDF]
Plan of action for Gender-sensitive parliaments
Gender Sensitive parliaments

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