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About PARLINE: Free-text search tips
At its simplest, a free-text query can be just a word or a phrase. Using the tips listed on this page, the focus of the query can be expanded to give more complete results. The free-text search in PARLINE is language-specific and includes documents contained only in this database.
 | Add the AND operator to find all pages in PARLINE that contain all the words, for example:
elections AND unopposed
 | Add the OR operator to find all page that contain either one word or another or both, for example:
immunities OR privileges
 | Put quotation marks around keywords if you want to search for an exact phrase, for example:
"parliamentary session"
 | Use the AND NOT operators to exclude certain text from your search. For example, if you want to find all instances of electoral but not electoral system, write the following query:
electoral AND NOT system
 | Search with the operator NEAR for words close to each other. For example, both of these queries, rules NEAR procedure and rules AND procedure, look for the words rules and procedure on the same page. But with NEAR, the returned pages are ranked in order of proximity: the closer together the words are, the higher the rank of that page.
 | Look for words with the same prefix. For example, in your query form type elect* to find election, electoral, elected and so on.