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Assemblée nationale - National Assembly (National Assembly)

Compare data for parliamentary chambers in the Presidency module

Parliament name Parlement - Parliament
Structure of parliament Bicameral
Chamber name (generic / translated) Assemblée nationale - National Assembly / National Assembly
Related chamber (for bicameral parliaments) Sénat - Senate / Senate
Title Speaker of the National Assembly
Term - duration: 1 year, eligible for re-election
- reasons for interruption of term: resignation or dissolution of the Assembly
Appointment - elected by the Members of the Assembly, every year at the opening of the first ordinary session in June
- following validation of Members' mandates
Eligibility - any Member may be a candidate, but formal notification of candidature is required
Voting system - formal vote by secret ballot in two rounds
- an absolute majority is required for the first round, a relative majority for the second
Procedures / results - the most senior Member presides over the Assembly during the election
- the Seniority Board (the most senior Member and the two youngest members) and two tellers appointed by the Assembly sitting in plenary supervise the elections
- the most senior Member announces the results without any delay
- the results cannot be challenged
Status - ranks after the Head of State, whose powers he exercises in the event of a definitive vacancy until new elections have been held
- is assisted by a Board which represents the Assembly with the public authorities
- represents the Assembly in international bodies
- is de facto President of the plenary Assembly, the Conference of Speakers and the Board
- in the absence of the Speaker, the first Deputy Speaker and other Vive-Speakers (according to the order established by the Board) can assume his/her role and functions
Board - the Board of the National Assembly is set up under the Constitution of the Republic and regulated by the Standing Orders
- consists of 23 members (1 Speaker, 1 First Deputy Speaker, 5 Deputy Speakers, 12 Secretaries, 4 Questors) who are elected for 1 year and are eligible for re-election
- has all powers to preside over the deliberations of the Assembly and to organize its services

Material facilities :
- monthly allowance + special allowance for specific expenses
- official residence
- cabinet
- domestic staff
- official cars
- bodyguards and protection by constabularies
Material facilities - monthly allowance + special allowance for specific expenses
- official residence
- cabinet
- domestic staff
- official cars
- bodyguards and protection by constabularies
Organization of parliamentary business - organizes the debates and sets speaking time
The Conference of Speakers:
- establishes and modifies the agenda
- examines the admissibility of bills and amendments
- examines the admissibility of requests for setting up committees and/or committees of enquiry - decisions to set up such committees are taken by an absolute majority of the Assembly's members

Chairing public sittings :
- opens, adjourns and closes sittings
- ensures respect for provisions of the Constitution and Standing Orders
- makes announcements concerning the Assembly
- takes disciplinary measures in the event of disturbance - other measures are taken by secret vote by a majority of the members present
- applies the procedure for the adoption of questions submitted and the voting method fixed by law
- checks the quorum at the opening of the sitting and before the vote
- establishes the list of speakers, gives and withdraws permission to speak
- authenticates the texts adopted - the records of debates are adopted by the Assembly and signed by the Speaker and the Secretaries
- interprets the rules or other regulations governing the life of the Assembly, with or without relying on precedents
Chairing of public sittings - opens, adjourns and closes sittings
- ensures respect for provisions of the Constitution and Standing Orders
- makes announcements concerning the Assembly
- takes disciplinary measures in the event of disturbance; other measures are taken by secret vote by a majority of the members present
- applies the procedure for the adoption of questions submitted and the voting method fixed by law
- checks the quorum at the opening of the sitting and before the vote
- establishes the list of speakers, gives and withdraws permission to speak
- authenticates the texts adopted; the records of debates are adopted by the Assembly and signed by the Speaker and the Secretaries
- interprets the rules or other regulations governing the life of the Assembly, with or without relying on precedents
Special powers - manages the Assembly's finances
- recruits, assigns and promotes staff
- proposes the Secretary General
- decides on the detailed organization of the services, on the proposal of the Secretary General
The Board:
- appoints the Secretary General
- supervises the services of the Assembly
The Questors prepare the budget which is approved by the Board and adopted by the Finance Committee.
- is responsible for relations with foreign Parliaments
- is responsible for safety, and in this capacity, can call the police in the event of disturbance in the Assembly
Speaking and voting rights, other functions - may only take the floor in legislative debates to sum up a question, by stepping down from the podium
- takes part in voting
- may propose bills or amendments which must be deposited with the Board
- may intervene in the parliamentary oversight procedure
- promulgates laws in the event that the President of the Republic has not done so before expiry of the constitutional deadline
- may exercise a priori oversight with regard to the constitutionality of laws
- must be consulted by the President of the Republic in certain circumstances (referendum, dissolution)

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