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Senat (Senate)

Compare data for parliamentary chambers in the Electoral system module

Parliament name (generic / translated) Parlament / Parliament
Structure of parliament Bicameral
Chamber name (generic / translated) Senat / Senate
Related chamber (for bicameral parliaments) Poslanecka Snemovna / Chamber of Deputies
Electoral Law 27 September 1995
Last amendment: 5 October 2006
Mode of designation directly elected 81
Constituencies 81 single-member constituencies.
Voting system Majority: Two-round system.
If necessary, a second round is held six days after the first round. No threshold is required to win a seat in the second round.
Vacancies arising between general elections are filled through by elections held within 90 days, except in the last year of the term of the Senator concerned.
Voting is not compulsory.
Voter requirements - age: 18 years
- Czech citizenship (including naturalized citizens)
- residence in the country at the time of the election
- disqualifications: restricted freedom of movement for public health reasons, legal incapacity to vote.
Eligibility - qualified electors
- age: 40 years
- Czech citizenship (including naturalized citizens)
- ineligibilities: insanity/mental illness, holders of temporary entry permits, undocumented immigrants, members of the Electoral Commission, restricted freedom of movement for public health reasons, legal incapacity to stand for election
Incompatibilities - President of the Republic
- judge, attorney or State arbiter
- member of the Chamber of Deputies
- head of a local authority
Candidacy requirements - by political parties, coalitions, or independents
- candidatures must be submitted at least 60 days prior to polling, accompanied by monetary deposit of Kcs 20,000, reimbursed if the candidate has obtained at least 6% of the vote in the constituency concerned.
- any contending party must have at least 10,000 members or supporters
- list of candidates in each district must be submitted at least 60 days prior to polling

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