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Chambre des Députés (Chamber of Deputies)

Compare data for parliamentary chambers in the Presidency module

Parliament name (generic / translated) Chambre des Députés / Chamber of Deputies
Structure of parliament Unicameral
Title President of the Chamber of Deputies
Term - duration: 1 year, renewable (on second Tuesday of October, each year)
- reasons for interruption of the term: resignation, death, dissolution of the Chamber
Appointment - elected by all the Deputies
- election held at the beginning of the session
- following validation of mandates and swearing-in
Eligibility - any Deputy can be a candidate
Voting system - formal vote by secret ballot
- absolute majority in the first round, relative majority in the second. In case of a tie, the oldest candidate is appointed
Procedures / results - the oldest Deputy presides over the Chamber during the voting
- the two youngest Deputies, assisted by the oldest Deputy, supervise the voting
- the oldest Deputy announces the results without delay
- the results cannot be challenged
Status - ranks first in the hierarchy of State, before the Ministers from a protocolar point of view
- represents the Chamber in certain international parliamentary assemblies
- may not act as interim Head of State to replace the Grand Duke
- is ex officio Chairman of the Labour Committee
- in the absence of the President, a Vice-President can assume his/her role and functions
Board - is regulated by the Standing Orders of the Chamber of Deputies
- consists of the President, three Vice-Presidents and seven Members, all elected for one session
- meets four to six times yearly, at the President's initiative
- represents the Chamber at the national and international level
- handles financial, administrative and organizational matters concerning Parliament and the Deputies
Material facilities - parliamentary allowance, same as that of any Deputy
+ expense allowance (LF.104,861 gross per month)
- official car
Organization of parliamentary business - examines the admissibility of bills and amendments
- examines the admissibility of requests for setting up committees and/or committees of enquiry,
- proposes or decides on the setting up of such committees
Chairing of public sittings - can open, adjourn and close sittings
- ensures respect for provisions of the Constitution and Standing Orders
- makes announcements concerning the Chamber
- takes disciplinary measures in the event of disturbance, and lifts such measures
- establishes the list of speakers, gives and withdraws permission to speak
- establishes the order in which amendments are taken up, may only dismiss an amendment if it is inadmissible
- calls for a vote, decides how it is to be carried out, verifies the voting procedure and cancels a vote in the event of irregularities
- checks the quorum
- authenticates the texts adopted and the records of debates
- interprets the rules or other regulations governing the life of the Chamber
- only has discretionary power to give the floor outside the agenda in agreement with the Chamber
Special powers as a member of the Board:
- participates in the establishment of the budget
- participates in the recruitment, assignment and promotion of staff
- participates in the organization of the services of Parliament
- is responsible for relations with foreign Parliaments
- is responsible for safety, and in this capacity, can call the police in the event of disturbance in the Chamber
Speaking and voting rights, other functions - takes the floor in legislative debates, by leaving his seat
- takes part in voting
- proposes bills or amendments in his capacity
- intervenes in the parliamentary oversight procedure

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