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Senat (Senate)

Compare data for parliamentary chambers in the Electoral system module

Parliament name -
Structure of parliament Bicameral
Chamber name (generic / translated) Senat / Senate
Related chamber (for bicameral parliaments) Sejm
Electoral Law 10 May 1991
Last amendment: 1 August 2011
Mode of designation directly elected 100
Constituencies 100 single-member constituencies
Voting system Majority: Single member plurality system ("first past the post").
Vacancies arising between general elections are filled through by-elections (except in the last six months of the legislature's term).
Voting is not compulsory.
Voter requirements - age: 18 years
- Polish citizenship
- disqualifications: mental deficiency, deprivation of civil or electoral rights by court ruling
Eligibility Qualified electors
- age: 30 years
- Polish citizenship
- permanent residence in the country for not less than five years
Incompatibilities - President of the National Bank of Poland, of the Supreme Chamber of Control, the Commissioner for Citizens' Rights, the Commissioner for Childrens' Rights or their assistants
- members of the Council for Monetary Policy, of the National Council of Radio Broadcasting and Television
- ambassadors
- employment in the chancelleries of the Diet, Senate or President of the Republic
- employment in government administration (except members of the Council of Ministers and Secretaries of State)
- judges, public prosecutors
- civil servants
- soldiers on active duty, police or State protection forces
Candidacy requirements - candidatures must be submitted at least 40 days prior to polling day
- right to nominate candidates is vested in the electors and political parties which may set up national or local electoral committees for this purpose
- support by at least 3,000 electors residing in the constituency concerned

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