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Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal
Parliamentary bodies dealing with human rights :
Standing Committee on Justice

Type of parliamentary body Multifunctional
Nature Permanent
Related to chambers Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal
Date of creation The focus of the Committee on Justice on human rights has been a gradual one.
Last renewal date -
Mandate The Standing Committee on Justice does not examine individual complaints. See under "Working methods" for more information.
Membership 24 members; 24 substitute members. The members of a Standing Committee are elected members of the Dutch Parliament (serving a term of four years). See: http://www.houseofrepresentatives.nl/members_of_parliament/Committees/JUST/index.jsp#0
Working methods Specialist issues are dealt with in Standing Committees. MPs who specialize in the subject concerned discuss the Government's policy in this field with a Minister or State Secretary in a Committee meeting. Specialist issues are dealt with in Standing Committees. A number of MPs, in most cases the spokespersons on the subject in question for each political group, discuss the Government's policy with a Minister or State Secretary in a Committee meeting. However, Committees do more than hold meetings. They regularly conduct hearings and round table debates to get to know the opinions of stakeholders and independent experts on a particular subject. Moreover, Standing Committees frequently pay working visits to gain information on a certain situation or to learn how specific problems are dealt with abroad. General policy issues Most Committee meetings are held to discuss general policy issues. The Committee discusses a specific aspect of a policy area with the Minister or State Secretary who is responsible for it. MPs ask questions, and the member of the Cabinet replies. Policy documents and bills Policy documents can be discussed with Cabinet members during policy meetings, and particular bills can be discussed during meetings on legislation. Technical details Committee meetings on policy documents and bills "unburden" the Plenary meetings, as it were. In a Committee meeting, all kind of specialist and technical aspects can be dealt with in detail, so that in the Plenary meeting only the headlines still have to be discussed. A Standing Committee comes together once every two weeks to discuss its agenda (procedure meeting). In this meeting, the Committee decides on how to act on legislative proposals, incoming letters from citizens, e.g. Nearly all meetings of the Standing Committee on Justice are public.
Relations with other parliamentary bodies The subject of Human Rights is also party covered in the Standing Committee on the Interior and Kingdom Relations and the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Relations with external bodies -
Subjects dealt with The Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
Main address Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal
Standing Committee on Justice
Postbus 20018
Name Mr. Pater van der Meer
Notes Chairman
Name Ms. K. Arib
Notes Deputy Chairman
Name Mr. D. Nava
Notes Clerk
Address (if different from above)
Phone +31 70 318 20 07
Fax +31 70 318 34 44
E-mail cie.just@tweedekamer.nl
web site: ...
Name Mr. P. van Doorn
Notes Deputy Clerk
Address (if different from above)
Phone +31 70 318 20 07
Fax +31 70 318 34 44
E-mail cie.just@tweedekamer.nl
web site: ...

Information on this page was last updated on 19 May 2009
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