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Cámara dos Deputados
Parliamentary bodies dealing with human rights :
Committee on Human Rights

Type of parliamentary body Specialized
Nature Permanent
Related to chambers Cámara dos Deputados
Date of creation 31 January 1995
Last renewal date
Mandate The Committee receives, evaluates and investigates complaints regarding threats to or violations of human rights; establishes and supervises government programmes regarding the protection of human rights; cooperates with international and national non-governmental entities or organisations which work for the defence of human rights; carries out research and studies on the situation of human rights in Brazil and in the world by informing the public and providing subsidies for the other Committees of the Chamber.
Membership The Committee is comprised of 23 members and an equal number of substitutes Members serve a one-year term.
Working methods The Committee organises public hearings, and since 2000 has carried out on-site thematic inspections using "Human Rights Caravans", whereby a group of legislators travels through the country to examine a specific human rights problem, such as conditions of detention in prisons, police institutions and other detention centres, living conditions in homes for the elderly, the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents, or defence of the rights of the Indian population. The Caravan prepares a report with recommendations and requests for action, which is forwarded to the authorities.
Relations with other parliamentary bodies The Committee occasionally liases with other parliamentary bodies.
Relations with external bodies The Committee cooperates closely with the Ministry of Justice and the Human Rights Secretariat of the Presidency. It also cooperates with NGOs, with which it organises an annual human rights conference. The Committee has created a Forum of Legislative Human Rights Commissions, through which it cooperates and exchanges views with the human rights commissions of the federal states and municipalities.
Subjects dealt with
Main address Gabinete 267 - Anexo III
Câmara dos Deputados
Praça dos Três Poderes
BRASÍLIA - DF - CEP 70.160-900 (Brazil)
Phone (+61) 318 51 51
Fax ...
E-mail ...
Website http://www.camara.gov.br/
Name Ms. Iriny Lopes
Notes Chairperson,

Information on this page was last updated on 7 December 2004
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