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Majlis Al-Chaab
Parliamentary bodies dealing with human rights :
Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Affairs - Committee on Complaints and Proposals

Type of parliamentary body Multifunctional
Nature Permanent
Related to chambers Majlis Al-Chaab
Date of creation 1979
Last renewal date
Mandate The Committees examine the petitions and complaints submitted by citizens, draft legislation, adapt laws to the terms of the Constitution, improve and develop the legal and judicial systems to ensure justice, disseminate information, monitor the respect of relevant national and international standards, and examine the human rights situation, nationally and internationally.
Membership The Bureaux of both Committees are elected at the beginning of each session.
Working methods At the beginning of each session, each committee determines the issues falling within its jurisdiction and submits a report to the Assembly to that effect. It studies draft legislation falling within its competence, and may make proposals for new laws. A committee may also investigate the impact of the implementation of laws affecting the principal interests of the people and examine the compatibility of the implementation with the original aims of the law. Each committee is authorised to put forward proposals concerning economic, cultural and social issues which fall within its field of competence. A committee session is not valid unless the quorum of a third of the members is reached. It may only adopt decisions if a majority of members is present, as decisions are taken by an absolute majority of votes. An issue submitted to a committee is considered to be rejected if the numbers of votes on each side are equal. A committee may request information and documents relating to the subjects which have been referred to it and may invite any minister to provide information or clarifications. Committees are also authorised to carry out field investigations. and to hold meetings of consultation and confrontation on the occasion of the examination of an important topic of general interest. At such meetings citizens' proposals may be heard, clarifications may be sought regarding government policies and high-ranking persons, Egyptian or foreign, may be heard. Thus, each committee is able to promote an exchange of views on important national and international problems and follow the implementation of decisions, recommendations and laws. Each committee also identifies gaps in the law and the remedies required.
Relations with other parliamentary bodies The Committees maintain relationships with the President of the Assembly and the Bureau (which comprises the President and two Vice-Presidents). At the beginning of each session, the Bureau sets the agenda for all the committees in order to ensure the smooth functioning of the work of the Assembly as a whole. It is also the Bureau's responsibility to set the committees to work on a particular subject and to produce a report. Furthermore, the Chairpersons of these two committees are members of the General Committee of the Assembly and of the Ethics Committee.
Relations with external bodies The two committees may invite the representatives of the government and the Egyptian Committee on Human Rights to their meetings to hear their views on issues relating to the human rights within their competence. The participation of representatives of the government in their discussions is often useful, especially as regards the preparation of new laws or the modification of existing ones in order to safeguard and reinforce human rights.
Subjects dealt with Between 1996 and 2002, the People's Assembly examined a number of topics relating to the promotion of human rights, the reinforcement of the rights and liberties of Egyptian citizens and the integration into national law of the principles established by international bodies. To this effect, the Assembly has approved the following texts: 1. Decision N° 456 (of the year 2000) of the President of the Republic, approving the amendment of article 201) of the Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women. 2. Decision N° 133 (of the year 2002) of the President of the Republic, approving the Convention for the creation of an organisation for Arab women. This organisation seeks to reinforce cooperation and to coordinate action in favour of the Arab woman. 3. Law N° 12 (for 1996) concerning the rights of the child: civil rights, medical, social and cultural protection, education, protection of children living in difficult conditions, and protection of the working mother. 4. Law N° 84 for 2002 concerning non-governmental associations and institutes. This law ensures that citizens have the right to adhere to such institutions and take part in their activities. 5. Amendment of some of the dispositions of the decreed law (N° 396, for 1956) of the President of the Republic, on the organisation of prisons. This amendment includes, among other things, the abolition of whipping as a penalty for male and female prisoners. 6. Law on the protection of intellectual property. 7. Law on labour. 8. Law on the environment.
Main address Assemblée du Peuple
Majlis Al-Chaab
LE CAIRE (Egypte)
Phone (+202) 794 31 30
Fax (+202) 794 89 77
E-mail ...
Name Mr. Mohammad Mohammad Goweily
Notes Chairman of the Committee on Complaints and Proposals
Address (if different from above)
Phone ...
Fax ...
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Name Ms. Amal Othman
Notes Chairperson of the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Affairs
Name Mr. Mahmoud Nassar
Notes Premier Sous-Secrétaire d'Etat, chef du Secrétariat des affaires des commissions
Address (if different from above)
Phone ...
Fax ...
E-mail ...
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Information on this page was last updated on 13 October 2002
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