


Click on an image to enlarge:

Parliament and democracy in the twenty-first century A representative parliament A parliament that is open and transparent An accessible parliament
Cover. Parliament and democracy in the twenty-first century Chapter 2. A representative parliament Chapter 3. A parliament that is open and transparent Chapter 4. An accessible parliament
A parliament that is accountable An effective parliament (I): The national level An effective parliament (II): Parliament's involvement in international affairs Facing the future
Chapter 5. A parliament that is accountable Chapter 6. An effective parliament (I): The national level Chapter 7. An effective parliament (II): Parliament's involvement in international affairs Chapter 8. Facing the future
Cover and illustrations by Aloys, Les Studios Lolos, Carouge, Switzerland.

Web references

Web references are placed throughout the text of Parliament and democracy in the twenty-first century to enable readers to obtain further information about the issues under discussion. This online version offers an extensive, updated collection of web resources found in the Guide.

The resources are presented using the same thematic structure as in the Guide. They are mostly in PDF format. Adobe Acrobat Reader, which you can download free of charge, is required to read PDF files.

These references represent only a fraction of the information related to parliament and democracy available online. We welcome suggestions for relevant additions to this collection. To submit a web reference, please use the Questions and comments form, including the URL of the resource.

IPU is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites.

Further online reading about standards for free and fair elections:

European Commission for Democracy Through Law (Venice Commission) (2002). Guidelines on elections <http://www.venice.coe.int/docs/2002/CDL-AD(2002)013-e.asp>

Goodwin-Gill, G. (2006). Free and fair elections. Inter-Parliamentary Union <http://www.ipu.org/PDF/publications/Free&Fair06-e.pdf>

Inter-Parliamentary Union (1994). Declaration on Criteria for Free and Fair Elections <http://www.ipu.org/cnl-e/154-free.htm>

Nelson, S (2003). Standards to judge elections. Administration and Cost of Elections Project

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (2003). Existing commitments for democratic elections in OSCE participating states <http://www.osce.org/documents/odihr/2003/10/772_en.pdf>

Southern Africa Development Community (2004). SADC principles and guidelines governing democratic elections <http://www.iss.co.za/AF/RegOrg/unity_to_union/pdfs/sadc/elecprinciples.pdf>

Southern Africa Development Community Parliamentary Forum (2001). Norms and standards for elections in the SADC region <http://www.sadcpf.org/documents/SADCPF_ElectionNormsStandards.pdf>>

Further online reading about different electoral systems:

Administration and Cost of Elections Project (2003). Electoral systems index <http://aceproject.org/ace-en/topics/es/default>

Election Process Information Collection Project (2004). EPIC research results for electoral systems <http://ace.at.org/epic-en/es>

International IDEA (2005). Electoral system design: The new International IDEA handbook <http://www.idea.int/publications/esd/upload/Idea_ESD_full.pdf>

Inter-Parliamentary Union (2006). Parline database module on electoral systems <http://www.ipu.org/parline-e/parlinesearch.asp>

Further online reading about the percentages of women in national parliaments:

Inter-Parliamentary Union (2005). Women in politics 2005: Poster <http://www.ipu.org/pdf/publications/wmnmap05_en.pdf>

Inter-Parliamentary Union (2006). Women in national parliaments. Situation as of 28 February 2006 <http://www.ipu.org/wmn-e/classif.htm>

Inter-Parliamentary Union (2006). Women in national parliaments. Statistical archive <http://www.ipu.org/wmn-e/world-arc.htm>

Inter-Parliamentary Union (2006). Women in politics: 60 years in retrospect (Information Kit) <http://www.ipu.org/PDF/publications/wmninfokit06_en.pdf>

Further online reading about the representation of minority and marginal communities:

European Commission for Democracy Through Law (Venice Commission) (2000). Electoral law and national minorities <http://www.venice.coe.int/docs/2000/CDL-INF(2000)004-e.asp>

European Commission for Democracy Through Law (Venice Commission) (2005). Report on electoral rules and affirmative action for national minorities’ participation in decision-making process in European countries <http://venice.coe.int/docs/2005/CDL-AD(2005)009-e.asp>

Foundation on Inter-Ethnic Relations (1999). The Lund recommendations on the effective participation of national minorities in public life & explanatory note <http://www.osce.org/documents/hcnm/1999/09/2698_en.pdf>

Ghai, Y (2001). Public participation and minorities. Minority Rights Group International <http://www.minorityrights.org/download.php?id=112>

Norris, P (2004). Ethnic minorities, in Electoral engineering: voting rules and political behavior <http://ksghome.harvard.edu/~pnorris/ACROBAT/Institutions/Chapter 9.pdf>

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (2001). Guidelines to assist national minority participation in the electoral process. <http://www.osce.org/item/13589.html?ch=129>

Further online reading about the role and rights of opposition parties in parliaments:

Inter-Parliamentary Union (1999). Guidelines on the rights and duties of the opposition in parliament <http://www.ipu.org/splz-e/gabon.htm>

Further online reading about gender inclusion in the work of parliaments:

Inter-Parliamentary Union (2000). Politics: Women's insight <http://www.ipu.org/PDF/publications/womeninsight_en.pdf>

Inter-Parliamentary Union (2004). Enhancing the role of women in electoral processes in post-conflict countries. Post-election support <http://www.un.org/womenwatch/osagi/meetings/2004/EGMelectoral/EP3-IPU.PDF>

Inter-Parliamentary Union, United Nations Development Programme (2002). National Seminar on "The Process of Engendering a New Constitution for Rwanda" <http://www.ipu.org/pdf/publications/kigali_bi.pdf>

Inter-Parliamentary Union, United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women (2003). The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and its Optional Protocol. Handbook for Parliamentarians <http://www.ipu.org/PDF/publications/cedaw_en.pdf>

The Commonwealth (2001). Gender-sensitizing Commonwealth parliaments <http://www.cpahq.org/uploadedFiles/Programmes_and_Activities/Professional_Development/g_report.pdf>

Further online reading about the use of minority and vernacular languages in the work of parliaments:

Matiki, A (2002). Language planning and linguistic exclusion in the legislative process in Malawi <http://www.linguapax.org/congres/taller/taller1/Matiki.html>

The House: New Zealand's House of Representatives 1854-2004 (2005). Parliament in Te Reo <http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/politics/the-work-of-government/history-of-parliament/parliament-in-te-reo>

Further online reading about the rights of parliamentarians:

Inter-Parliamentary Union (1993). Inter-parliamentary symposium "Parliament: Guardian of human rights". Summing-up of the deliberations by the President of the symposium <http://www.ipu.org/splz-e/budapest.htm>

Inter-Parliamentary Union (2006). Human rights and humanitarian law <http://www.ipu.org/iss-e/hr-law.htm>

Inter-Parliamentary Union (2006). Parline database module on the parliamentary mandate <http://www.ipu.org/parline-e/parlinesearch.asp>

McGee, S (2001). Rules on parliamentary immunity in the European Parliament and the member States of the European Union. European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation <http://www.ecprd.org/ecprd/getfile.do?id=5062>

Myttenaere, R (1998). The immunities of members of parliament, in Constitutional and Parliamentary Information N° 175. Association of Secretaries General of Parliaments <http://www.asgp.co/Resources/Data/Documents/UJJICUIPKRGKNWTBNCAMSZFAGOKNXL.pdf>

Further online reading about the rights of parliamentarians in relation to their parties:

Norris, P (2004). Building political parties: reforming legal regulations and internal rules. International IDEA <http://www.idea.int/parties/upload/pippa norris ready for wev _3_.pdf>

Scarrow, S (2005). Political Parties and Democracy in Theoretical and Practical Perspectives: Implementing Intra-Party Democracy. National Democratic Institute <http://www.accessdemocracy.org/library/1951_polpart_scarrow_110105.pdf>

The Commonwealth (2002). Commonwealth (Latimer House) Principles on the three branches of government <http://www.cpahq.org/uploadedFiles/Programmes_and_Activities/Commonwealth_Promotion/CommonwealthPrinciplesonThreeArmsofGovernment.pdf>

Further online reading about the Puttnam Commission on Communication of Parliamentary Democracy:

Puttnam Commission on Communication of Parliamentary Democracy (2005). Members only? Parliament in the public eye. Hansard Society <http://www.hansardsociety.org.uk/programmes/puttnam_commission>

Further online reading about freedom of information and model laws:

Article 19 (2001). A model Freedom of Information Law <http://www.article19.org/pdfs/standards/modelfoilaw.pdf>

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (2003) Recommendations for an informed democracy <http://www.cpahq.org/uploadedFiles/Information_Services/Publications/CPA_Electronic_Publications/Recommendations%20for%20an%20Informed%20Democracy%20%20-%20Perth.pdf>

Freedominfo.org <http://www.freedominfo.org/>

Mendel, T (2005). Parliament and access to information: working for transparent governance <http://siteresources.worldbank.org/WBI/Resources/Parliament_and_Access_to_Information_with_cover.pdf>

Organization of American States (2003). AG/RES. 1932 (XXXIII-O/03): Access to public information: strengthening democracy <http://www.oas.org/juridico/english/ga03/agres_1932.htm>

The Commonwealth (2003). Model Freedom of Information Act <http://www.thecommonwealth.org/shared_asp_files/uploadedfiles/{AC090445-A8AB-490B-8D4B-F110BD2F3AB1}_Freedom of Information.pdf>

Further online reading about freedom of expression and parliaments:

Article 19 (2000). Defining defamation: principles on freedom of expression and protection of reputation <http://www.article19.org/pdfs/standards/definingdefamation.pdf>

Inter-Parliamentary Union (2005). Seminar for chairpersons and members of parliamentary human rights bodies on freedom of expression, parliament and the promotion of tolerant societies: summary and recommendations presented by the rapporteur of the seminar <http://www.ipu.org/splz-e/sfe/conclusions.pdf>

Further online reading about media regulations:

Bouchet, N; Kariithi, N.K (2003). Parliament and the media: building an informed society. World Bank Institute, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association <http://siteresources.worldbank.org/WBI/Resources/wbi37228BouchetKariithiWEB.pdf>

Further online reading about parliamentary websites:

Inter-Parliamentary Union (2000). Guidelines for the content and structure of parliamentary websites <http://www.ipu.org/cntr-e/web.pdf>

Kingham, T (2003). e-Parliaments: the use of information and communication technologies to improve parliamentary processes. World Bank Institute <http://siteresources.worldbank.org/WBI/Resources/wbi37210Kingham.pdf>

Norris, P (2000). Online Parliaments, in Digital divide: civic engagement, information poverty, and the Internet worldwide (Chapter 7) <http://ksghome.harvard.edu/~pnorris/acrobat/digitalch7.pdf>

Further online reading about the organisation of parliamentary constituency offices:

National Democratic Institute (2002). Constituency handbook for elected representatives in Namibia <http://www.accessdemocracy.org/library/1376_na_constituencyhdbk.pdf>

United Nations Development Programme (nd). The legislature and constituency relations <http://www.undp.org/governance/docs/Parl-Pub-constrelat.htm>

Further online reading about ombudsman institutions:

Christopoulos, D; Hormovitis, D (ed.) (2003). The ombudsman institution in south-eastern Europe <http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/untc/unpan014896.pdf>

National Democratic Institute (2005). The role and effectiveness of the ombudsman institution <http://www.accessdemocracy.org/library/1904_gov_ombudsman_080105.pdf>

Ombudsman Information Network (2005). European countries' ombudsmen <http://www.anticorruption.bg/ombudsman/eng/readnews.php?id=2901&lang=en&t_style=tex&l_style=default>

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (2003). Recommendation 1615 (2003): the institution of ombudsman <http://assembly.coe.int/Documents/AdoptedText/ta03/EREC1615.htm>

Further online reading about parliamentary human rights committees:

Inter-Parliamentary Union (2004). Strengthening parliament as a guardian of human rights: the role of parliamentary human rights bodies. Seminar for Chairpersons and Members of Parliamentary Human Rights Bodies <http://www.ipu.org/splz-e/hr04.htm>

Inter-Parliamentary Union (2005). Parline database: specialized parliamentary bodies <http://www.ipu.org/parline-e/Instanceadvanced.asp>

National Democratic Institute (2004). Parliamentary human rights committees <http://www.accessdemocracy.org/library/1905_gov_parlhrscommittees_080105.pdf>

Further online reading about modes of civil society participation in legislative processes:

Krafchik, W (nd). Can civil society add value to budget decision-making? A description of civil society budget work. International Budget Project <http://www.internationalbudget.org/resources/library/civilsociety.pdf>

National Democratic Institute, Parliament of the Republic of Namibia (2001). Public participation in the legislation process. <http://www.accessdemocracy.org/library/1408_na_publicpart_093101.pdf>

The Scottish Office (2000). Involving civil society in the work of parliaments. <http://www.scotland.gov.uk/government/devolution/cpsp-00.asp>

Further online reading about international collaboration and training programmes on gender budgeting:

Gender responsive budget initiatives <http://www.gender-budgets.org/>

International Budget Project (2006). Related websites - by topic area: gender, youth, and development <http://www.internationalbudget.org/resources/sites/gender_youth.htm>

Inter-Parliamentary Union, United Nations Development Programme, World Bank Institute and United Nations Fund for Women (2004). Handbook: Parliament, the budget and gender <http://www.ipu.org/PDF/publications/budget_en.pdf>

Reports of IPU seminars on Parliament and the Budgetary Process, including from a Gender Perspective:

Inter-Parliamentary Union (2000). Regional seminar for English-speaking African Parliaments, 22-24 May 2000, Nairobi (Kenya) <http://www.ipu.org/pdf/publications/nairobi_en.pdf>

Inter-Parliamentary Union (2001).Seminaire regional pour les parlements francophones d'afrique, 1er-3 novembre 2001, Bamako (Mali) <http://www.ipu.org/pdf/publications/mali01_fr.pdf> (document in French)

Inter-Parliamentary Union (2002). Regional seminar for ASEAN+3 parliaments, 23 to 25 July 2002, Manila (Philippines) <http://www.ipu.org/PDF/publications/manila02_en.pdf>

Inter-Parliamentary Union (2004). Regional seminar for parliaments of south-west Asia, 26 to 28 May 2003, Colombo (Sri Lanka) <http://www.ipu.org/PDF/publications/colombo_en.pdf>

Further online reading about citizen initiatives:

C2D - research and documentation centre on direct democracy (2005) <http://c2d.unige.ch/>

Project ACE (2004). Citizen initiatives. Focus on Direct Democracy <http://aceproject.org/ace-en/focus/direct-democracy>

Zimmerman, J (2001). Citizen initiative. Administration and Cost of Elections Project

Further online reading about codes of conduct and conflicts of interest:

Association of Secretaries General of Parliaments (1998). Codes of conduct for parliamentary staff, in Constitutional and parliamentary information, N° 175 <http://www.asgp.co/Resources/Data/Documents/XIVWFDRMFRLVBFTDJWWLDBDJTKCIXR.pdf>

European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation (2001). Parliamentary codes of conduct in Europe: an overview <http://www.ecprd.org/ecprd/getfile.do?id=5073>

National Conference of State Legislatures (nd). Model code of conduct for legislative staff <http://www.ncsl.org/racss/codeofconduct.htm>

National Democratic Institute (1999). Legislative ethics: a comparative overview <http://www.accessdemocracy.org/library/026_ww_legethics.pdf>

Stapenhurst, R. and Pelizzo, R. (2004). Legislative ethics and codes of conduct. World Bank Institute <http://siteresources.worldbank.org/EXTPARLIAMENTARIANS/Resources/Legislative_Ethics_and_Codes_of_Conduct.pdf>

Further online reading about party financing:

Austin, R. and Tjernström, M. (eds) (2003). Funding of parties and election campaigns. International IDEA <http://www.idea.int/publications/funding_parties/upload/full.pdf>

Bryan, S. and Baer, D (eds.) (2005). Money in politics: a study of party financing practices in 22 countries. National Democratic Institute <http://www.accessdemocracy.org/library/1848_polpart_moneyinpolitics_010105_full_text.pdf>

International IDEA (2005). Political finance database <http://www.idea.int/parties/finance/db/>

Johnston, M. (2005). Political parties and democracy in theoretical and practical perspectives: political finance policy, parties, and democratic development. National Democratic Institute <http://www.accessdemocracy.org/library/1949_polpart_johnston_110105.pdf>

Moneyandpolitics.net. <http://www.moneyandpolitics.net/>

Further online reading about survey findings on parliaments:

Afrobarometer <http://www.afrobarometer.org/>

Bratton, M, Chu, Y-H, Lagos, M & Rose, R (2005). The people’s voice: trust in political institutions, in Ten years of supporting democracy worldwide. International IDEA <http://www.idea.int/publications/anniversary/upload/Inlay_s enttoprint_30May05.pdf>

Centre for the Study of Public Policy, University of Aberdeen <http://www.abdn.ac.uk/cspp/>

Asian Barometer <http://www.asianbarometer.org/>

Eurobarometer <http://europa.eu.int/comm/public_opinion/index_en.htm>

Latinobarometer <http://www.latinobarometro.org/>

Rolef, Susan (2006). Public trust in parliament - a comparative study <http://www.knesset.gov.il/mmm/data/pdf/me01417.pdf>

Further online reading about parliamentary self-organisation:

Association of Secretaries General of Parliaments (1991). The Parliamentary Budget, in Constitutional and parliamentary information, N° 161 <http://www.asgp.co/Resources/Data/Documents/UUELRQYYICJCPTBSGBJTOTYJDIVHON.pdf>

Association of Secretaries General of Parliaments (1999). The administrative and financial autonomy of parliamentary assemblies, in Constitutional and parliamentary information, N° 177 <http://www.asgp.co/Resources/Data/Documents/CVCNKQUEFMEUUCJWPENOSNADTHSKQJ.pdf>

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (2005). Administration and financing of parliament: a study group report <http://www.cpahq.org/uploadedFiles/Information_Services/Publications/CPA_Electronic_Publications/AdministrationandFinancingofParliamentStudyGroupReport.pdf>

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (2005). Study group on the administration and financing of parliament: key recommendations <http://www.cpahq.org/uploadedFiles/Information_Services/Publications/CPA_Electronic_Publications/TheadministrationandfinancingofParliaments%20recommendations.pdf>

Reports from a seminar on parliamentary administrations and legislative cooperation, organised by ECPRD and the Italian Chamber of Deputies (2003). <http://de.camera.it/files/pdf/dossier.pdf>

Further online reading about improving the legislative process:

Global Centre for Information and Communication Technology in Parliament <http://www.ictparliament.org/>

Inter-American Development Bank (2006). Political Parties, Legislatures, and Presidents, in Economic and social progress in Latin America, 2006 Report (Chapter 3) <http://www.iadb.org/res/ipes/2006/chapter3.cfm>

Inter-Parliamentary Union, United Nations Development Programme (2003). Ten years of strengthening parliaments in Africa, 1991-2000. Lessons learnt and the way forward <http://www.ipu.org/pdf/publications/africa2000_en.pdf>

United Nations Development Programme (2003). Parliamentary Development practice note <http://www.undp.org/governance/docs/ParlPN_ENGLISH.pdf>

U.S. Agency for International Development (2000). USAID Handbook on Legislative Strengthening <http://www.usaid.gov/our_work/democracy_and_governance/publications/pdfs/pnacf632.pdf>

Further online reading about oversight through the committee system:

Gay, O and Winetrobe, B (2003). Parliamentary audit: the audit committee in comparative context. A report to the audit committee of the Scottish parliament <http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/business/committees/historic/audit/reports-03/aur03-legacy-02.htm>

Krafchik, W. and Wehner, J. (2004). Legislatures and budget oversight: best practices <http://www.revenuewatch.org/reports/kazakhstan_parliament_budget_forum.pdf>

National Democratic Institute (1996). Committees in legislatures: a division of labor <http://www.accessdemocracy.org/library/030_ww_committees.pdf>

Further online reading about independent oversight bodies:

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2002). Relations between supreme audit institutions and parliamentary committees <http://appli1.oecd.org/olis/2002doc.nsf/linkto/ccnm-gov-sigma(2002)1>

World Bank (2001). Features and functions of supreme audit institutions <http://www1.worldbank.org/prem/PREMNotes/premnote59.pdf>

National Audit Office (2005). State Audit in the European Union<http://www.nao.org.uk/publications/state_audit/State_Audit_Book.pdf>>

Further online reading about parliamentary oversight of the executive:

Inter-Parliamentary Union (2006). Parline database module on parliamentary oversight <>http://www.ipu.org/parline-e/parlinesearch.asp>

National Democratic Institute (2000). Strengthening legislative capacity in legislative-executive relations <http://www.accessdemocracy.org/library/980_gov_legcapacity.pdf>

Pelizzo, R., Stapenhurst, R. and Olson, D. (eds.) (2004). Trends in parliamentary oversight. World Bank Institute <http://siteresources.worldbank.org/WBI/Resources/TrendsinParliamentaryOversight-FINAL.pdf>

Pelizzo, R., Stapenhurst, R. (eds.) (2004). Legislatures and oversight. World Bank Institute <http://siteresources.worldbank.org/EXTPARLIAMENTARIANS/Resources/Legislatures_and_Oversight.pdf>

Further online reading about parliamentary oversight of security policy:

Inter-Parliamentary Union, Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (2003). Parliamentary oversight of the security sector principles, mechanisms and practices <http://www.dcaf.ch/oversight/proj_english.cfm?navsub1=12&navsub2=3&nav1=3>

National Democratic Institute (2005). Democratic oversight of police forces, mechanisms for accountability and community policing. <http://www.accessdemocracy.org/library/1906_gov_policing_080105.pdf>

Further online reading about the budgetary process in parliament:

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (2001). Parliamentary oversight of finance and the budgetary process. The report of a Commonwealth Parliamentary Association workshop, Nairobi, Kenya, 10th -14th December, 2001 <http://www.cpahq.org/uploadedFiles/Information_Services/Publications/CPA_Electronic_Publications/parliamentary%20oversight%20of%20finance%20and%20the%20budgetary%20process.pdf>

Inter-Parliamentary Union, United Nations Development Programme, World Bank Institute and United Nations Fund for Women (2004). Handbook: Parliament, the budget and gender <http://www.ipu.org/PDF/publications/budget_en.pdf>

National Democratic Institute (2003). Legislatures and the budget process. An international survey <http://www.accessdemocracy.org/library/1651_gov_budget_093103.pdf>

Santiso, C (2005). Budget institutions and fiscal responsibility: parliaments and the political economy of the budget process in latin america. World Bank Institute <http://siteresources.worldbank.org/WBI/Resources/Budget_Institutions_and_fiscal_responsibility_FINAL.pdf>

Wehner, J (2004). Back from the sidelines? Redefining the contribution of legislatures to the budget cycle. World Bank Institute <http://siteresources.worldbank.org/EXTPARLIAMENTARIANS/Resources/Back_from_the_Sidelines_Joachim_Wehner.pdf>

Further online reading about scrutiny of public accounts and anti-corruption strategies:

Global Organization of Parliamentarians against Corruption (2005). Controlling corruption: a parliamentarian’s handbook <http://www.gopacnetwork.org/Docs/CCH_FINAL_Aug_05_ENG.pdf>

Global Organization of Parliamentarians against Corruption <http://www.gopacnetwork.org/>

Inter-Parliamentary Union (2001). The role of parliaments in the fight against corruption <http://www.ipu.org/splz-e/hague01-bkgr.htm>

Pelizzo, R., Sahgal, V., Stapenhurst, R., Woodley, W. (2005). Scrutinizing public expenditures: assessing the performance of public accounts committees. World Bank <http://www-wds.worldbank.org/servlet/WDS_IBank_Servlet?pcont=details&eid=000090341_20050516071440>

Further online reading about parliamentary involvement in conflict resolution:

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (2004). Role of parliament in conflict-affected countries <http://www.cpahq.org/default.aspx?id=7464>

Inter-Parliamentary Union, International IDEA (2005). Making reconciliation work: the role of parliaments <http://www.ipu.org/PDF/publications/reconciliation_en.pdf>

O’Brien, M (2005). Parliaments as peacebuilders: The role of parliaments in conflict-affected countries. World Bank Institute, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association <http://siteresources.worldbank.org/WBI/Resources/PARLIAMENTS_AS_PEACEBUILDERS-FINAL.pdf>

United Nations Development Programme (2006). Initiative on strengthening the role of parliaments in crisis prevention and recovery <http://www.parlcpr.undp.org/>

Further online reading about parliamentary involvement in international affairs:

Chutikul, K (2003). Options for a parliamentary dimension of the WTO. Discussion paper presented to the Parliamentary Conference on the WTO. Inter-Parliamentary Union <http://www.ipu.org/splz-e/trade03/2c.pdf>

Committee for a democratic UN <http://www.uno-komitee.de/>

Hubli, S., & Mandaville, A. (2004). Parliaments and the PRSP process. World Bank Institute <http://siteresources.worldbank.org/WBI/Resources/wbi37231HubliMandavilleweb.pdf>

Inter-Parliamentary Union (2005). Parliamentary involvement in international affairs <http://www.ipu.org/splz-e/sp-conf05/involvement-rpt.pdf>

Inter-Parliamentary Union, United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women (2003). The Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women and its Optional protocol. Handbook for parliamentarians <http://www.ipu.org/PDF/publications/cedaw_en.pdf>

Inter-Parliamentary Union, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (2005). Human rights: Handbook for parliamentarians <http://www.ipu.org/PDF/publications/hr_guide_en.pdf>

United Nations Development Programme, National Democratic Institute (2004). Strengthening parliament involvement in the Poverty Reduction Strategy Process and the Millennium Development Goals <http://www.undp.org/governance/docs/parl_other/Parl%20-%20Guides%20-%20parlthandbooks.htm>

Further online reading about parliamentary oversight of national representatives in the EU Council of Ministers:

Travers, D (2002). European Affairs Committees. The influence of national parliaments on European Policies. European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation <http://www.ecprd.org/ecprd/getfile.do?id=5087>


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