Human resources: IPU Secretariat
The IPU Secretariat is stationed mainly at the Union's Headquarters in Geneva, with a few staff members posted in New York, in the Office of the Permanent Observer of the IPU to the United Nations. The staff works under the direction of the IPU Secretary General.
The IPU Statutes define the functions of the IPU Secretariat as follows:
- To be the permanent Headquarters of the Union;
- To keep records on the Members of the Union and endeavour to foster new requests for affiliation;
- To support and stimulate the activities of the Members of the Union and to contribute, on the technical level, towards the harmonization of these activities;
- To prepare the questions to be considered at the Inter-Parliamentary meetings and to distribute the necessary documents in due time;
- To provide for the execution of the decisions of the Governing Council and of the Assembly;
- To prepare proposals for a draft work programme and budget for the consideration of the Executive Committee;
- To collect and disseminate information concerning the structure and functioning of representative institutions;
- To maintain the liaison between the Union and other international organizations and, in general, its representation at international conferences;
- To maintain the archives of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.
Fundamental conditions of employment, essential duties, obligations and privileges of staff members as well as general provisions to be followed in the recruitment process are laid down in the Rules of the IPU Secretariat and in the various Staff Regulations, established by the Secretary General under the authority of the Executive Committee. In October 2012, the IPU adopted a Code of Conduct for IPU Personnel and a Fraud and Corruption Prevention and Control Policy.
The IPU joined the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF) in January 2005.