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Národná rada
Parliamentary bodies dealing with HIV/AIDS :
Committee on Health Care

Type of parliamentary body Ad-hoc
Nature Permanent
Related to chambers Národná rada
Date of creation 4 July 2006
Last renewal date
Mandate The Committee on Health Care is a permanent committee of the National Council; it deals with all topics concerning health care, drug policy, financing of health care, and insurance. The Committee debates legislation, including on HIV/AIDS issues.
Membership The Committee is composed of 13 members who are elected after being nominated by political parties for a four- year mandate (2006 - 2010).
Working methods Article 45 (3) of the Standing Orders on Committees provides that: (3) The committees shall, in particular, a) Present to the National Council bills and other recommendations within their purview; b) Ensure that laws are observed and implemented, and whether the rules and regulations issued for their implementation are in conformity with the laws. Where a committee finds that a rule or regulation of implementation violates the law or is inconsistent with the law, or that such rule or regulation of implementation has not been issued at all, or has been delayed, it shall notify the appropriate government official, or the head of the appropriate central government authority, and shall require immediate remedial action; if no remedial action is taken, the committee shall report it to the National Council; c) Consider, within the scope of their remit, the principal matters of economic and social development in the Slovak Republic, dealing particularly with the fulfillment of the Proclamation of Government Policies, national budget proposals and their implementation, and the State finances, while cooperating for this purpose with the government officials and the heads of other central government authorities, public corporations and other bodies established by law; d) Cooperate with the public administration authorities and implement their recommendations, incentives and suggestions, invite their representatives to committee meetings, especially for consideration of relevant bills, and also engage them in parliamentary investigations and surveys and committee meetings held outside Parliament. Article 54 (1) Committees may also invite to their meetings various specialists and other persons and request their opinions. (2) Committees may request various specialists, scientific institutes or other agencies to prepare expert analyses and opinions, which may be necessary for committee debates. Any committee may request the expert(s) in charge of such reports to present an oral clarification at the committee meeting. Committee may organize hearings.
Relations with other parliamentary bodies Article 56 of the Standing Orders provides that: (1) Following mutual consultations and agreements, committees may hold joint meetings and submit joint proposals. (2) The debates at joint meetings of committees shall be governed by the rules of proceedings in committees as appropriate. The chairpersons of committees shall take turns in chairing the joint meeting of committees; voting shall be taken in each of the committees separately. (3) A joint meeting of committees may also be convened at the request of the Speaker of the National Council, who may convene a joint meeting of all committees.
Relations with external bodies Article 50 of the Standing Orders provides that: (1) Committees meetings shall be open to public, unless otherwise provided for by this Act (Article 57 paragraph (3) and Article 60 paragraph (3)). Visitors shall be admitted as long as the seating facilities in the committee room so permit. Closed committee meetings shall be governed by Article 18 paragraphs (2) and (3) as appropriate. Article 53 (1) The President of the Republic, members of the government, the Attorney General and the Chairperson of the Supreme Audit Office may attend committee meetings and to address the meeting whenever they so request. (2) Committees may invite to their meetings government officials, the heads of other government agencies, and the Attorney General, and to require their clarification, reports or necessary documents. When invited, they shall attend the meetings, and submit their clarification, reports and documents as required. With the consent of the committee, they may be substituted by duly commissioned representatives. (3) The President of the Republic, government officials, the heads of other government agencies and the Attorney-General or their duly commissioned representatives may engage experts of their own choice, and request the chairperson of a committee to allow such experts to address the committee.
Subjects dealt with
Name Mr. Viliam Novotny
Notes Chairperson of the Committee
Address (if different from above) Národná rada Slovenskej Republiky
nám. A. Dubceka 1
812 80 BRATISLAVA (Slovakia)

Phone +421 2 54412327
Fax +421 2 54418523
E-mail viliam.novotny@nrsr.sk
Website http://www.nrsr.sk
Name Ms. Iveta Hudzikova
Notes Secretary
Address (if different from above)
Phone +421 2 5972 1228
Fax +421 2 54418523
E-mail iveta.hudzikova@nrsr.sk
web site:

Information on this page was last updated on 24 March 2009
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